Getting Organized

12 Hacks for Using Google Calendars

Comments (3)
  1. Paul says:

    I found your Blog and this page while searching for tips on Google Calendar. I have to say it is a great article and I agree with the comment from Aimee on creating Google accounts for your kids and maintaining calendars from them no matter what age they are. We do the same and I wrote a short tutorial highlighting keys points on how families can use Google Calendars to stay organized. I’d love your feedback on how it could be better.
    Keep up the great work Heather!

  2. Aimee says:

    My daughter, who is only four, started filling up my calendar. I started her and my son their own google accounts. I can add things to their calendar from mine. I can decide to look at one family members events only or everyone’s which is really nice. I even inputed her school calendar for next year. It makes it a lot easier to schedule dentist etc appointments six months in advance so I know if there will be a conflict in times. I love Google calendar.

    1. Daphne says:

      I was going to comment the same thing. My whole family has their own google accts and are able to add their events. Then it is shared to each other’s calendars. We know who has to be where, when. Each person has their own color, so at a glance, I can see who’s event might conflict. It has come in handy so many times for my husband especially so he knows when upcoming events are already scheduled so he doesn’t plan something for work that might conflict (when he has the ability to be flexible).

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