Hi! I’m Heather Schisler the founder of PassionForSavings.com! I am so incredibly blessed to have been married to my husband Jonathan for almost 10 years. I’m the busy work at home mom to my Son Zachary who is 7 and Hailey who is 5 and our precious little guy Madden who is 2.
I am a coffee loving, frugal fashionista with a passion to teach others how to save money and live well on a budget. 4 Years ago my husband and I became debt free and my passion is to teach others to do the same! I hope you’ll join me on a daily basis as I post the best online deals and in store deals available to help you manage your budget and live better on less!
I first started using coupons in 2008 when my first Son was born, I had quit my job to stay at home with him and we had gone from 2 incomes to 1, at the same time inflation was happening on just about everything and we were in the middle of a financial crisis in our country. I used to joke that every time I went to the grocery store the prices had doubled, in reality it wasn’t much of a joke, prices on everything from bread to gas was going up each and every week.
My husband and I finally had the dreaded “Money Meeting” Where we determined that our income wasn’t covering all of our expenses and we knew we had to re-work our budget to make things work if I was going to continue to stay at home with my son. As my husband went through the options I remember him suggesting that we move our Clothing Fund into our Grocery Budget…. STOP right there! That was my wake up call, I knew that I had to be more intentional with my money, that I could do something, that I could make better choices and that’s when I decided to start using coupons, to look for ways to be creative with my money so that I could afford not only the things we needed, but the things I wanted as well.
I’m a firm believer that Saving Money is about more than using coupons. Yes, I often claim a few extreme couponing tendencies but for me saving money is about being in control of my money and being able to afford not just what my family needs but a few of those things we want as well. I love saving money on everything from Toothpaste to Designer Jeans so I hope to find and post something for everyone regardless of where you are on your money saving journey!
If you are new to Passion For Savings make sure you check out our How to Coupon page and the Saving Money Blog.
Thanks for stopping by, I look forward to sharing each day with you!
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