Lowe’s is my go-to store for Home Improvement purchases! They have such a wide selection of tools, paint colors, appliances, lights, and more! Here are the best Lowe’s Coupons & Sales that you need to know about! Find the best deals at Lowe’s at Passion For Savings today!
Lowe’s Coupon Codes
- You can sign up for email updates about upcoming sales and you can download the Lowe’s App to keep up with all the deals and coupons!
Here are all the current Lowe’s Coupons available right now!
How to Save Money at Lowe’s
The best way to save money at Lowe’s is to keep an eye out for their seasonal and holiday sales when they mark down a lot of their inventory! You can also watch for discounts on returned or dented items in the store!
Also, you will find when I share deals at Lowe’s these can be hidden sales that are not fully advertised. If possible I will share coupon codes to pair or coupons. That way I can help you to maximize your full savings when possible.
Lowe’s Return Policy
You have 90 days to return an item that you are not satisfied with. You can do your returns in store or via mail. There are some exceptions to the 90-day rule, such as winter holiday items (must be returned by December 26th), Major appliances (return within 30 days), outdoor power equipment (30 days), liquid paint (30 days), and highway trailers (30 days).
How to Get FREE Shipping at Lowe’s
If you are my MyLowe’s Member, you get Free Shipping on any order! If you are not a MyLowe’s Member, you qualify for Free Shipping on any order of $49 or more. You also have the option to order an item for In Store Pickup which is FREE!
I tend to try to see if it is worth spending the amount to qualify for free shipping or not. If I am finding good deals I aim to reach that free shipping goal. Or ask a friend if they need anything ordered so you can add more to your cart and not have to pay for shipping.
Lowe’s Rewards Program Info
Lowe’s does not have a specific rewards program. You can sign up for emails to get notifications about deals.
And Lowe’s has a credit card you can sign up for that allows you to save 5% on qualifying purchases, finance purchases of $299 or more, and finance projects.
Looking For More Ways To Save Money
- Check out my Free Samples list, where you can snag free samples of products mailed to your doorstep!
- Learn ways to make legit money online! From survey sites, online jobs, and more. All waiting for you!
- I will update The Black Friday Lowe’s Ad once it hits, so make sure to keep up to date with the latest sales that I will be adding.