Download the You’ve Been Egged Sign
Have you seen this super cute idea going around for Easter yet? I have a FREE Printable You’ve Been Egged Sign you can download today then grab some Easter Eggs and hit up your Friends Yards for a little fun with a great reminder of why we celebrate Easter!
You can download this FREE Printable “You’ve Been Egged” Sign and print it out, then you’ll need 12 Empty Easter Eggs and 11 treats. Fill 11 of the eggs with treats and leave one egg empty.
Visit a friends yard and let your kids lay out the 12 eggs, then tape this sign on the front door, ring the doorbell and run off!
It’s a whole lot of fun, and when your friends find the empty egg, they will be reminded of the empty tomb. I love fun little traditions like this that remind us why we celebrate Easter. So download your Free Printable Here and plan a date to egg a few friends yards :)