We have some fruit snack coupons for you to print! You can stack your Welch’s Coupons to pick up boxes of Welch’s Fruit Snacks for just $0.97 each at Target!
Target has the 10 count Welch’s Fruit Snacks priced at $2.19 each regular price. Buy 2 boxes and stack this 10% off Welch’s Fruit Snacks Target Cartwheel Offer with 1 of the $1.00 On Any TWO (2) Welch’s Fruit Snacks or Rolls printable paying $2.94 out of pocket. You can then redeem this $1.00/2 Welch’s Fruit Snacks Checkout 51 Rebate Limit 3 making it only $0.97 per box!
Welch’s Fruit Snacks, 10 ct – $2.19 ea (Buy 2)
10% off Welch’s Fruit Snacks Target Cartwheel Offer (exp 10/21/17) (Use )
$1.00 On Any TWO (2) Welch’s Fruit Snacks or Rolls printable (Use 1)
$1.00/2 Welch’s Fruit Snacks Checkout 51 Rebate Limit 3 (Use 1)
Pay $2.94 out of pocket, earn $1 Checkout 51 Rebate
$0.97 ea wyb 2 after cartwheel, coupon and rebate!
Check out the Sargento Cheese deal this week!