If you think about it, milk used to be delivered in glass bottles and left on your doorstep, so in the colder months it used to freeze. So if you want to find out how to freeze milk – keep reading!
If you freeze milk, the nutrients stay the same but the fat can separate so the texture of the milk may be a little different. It may even be a little grainy. Simply shaking the milk after it thaws usually blends everything back together.
Some people still don’t like how it feels when they drink it so may just use for cooking or baking. It may also look a little yellowish when frozen due to the fat separating, but should return to its normal color after thawing.
Tips for Freezing Milk:
–Because not everyone likes to drink milk that has been thawed, it’s best to just freeze a small amount and try it out before freezing a bunch that may not be something you want to drink.
–Because of the fat separating process, skim and low-fat milk will end up better after thawing than whole milk.
–Do not wait until after the “best by” date to do so.
–It is just fine to freeze in the container you purchased it in, but frozen milk can expand so you may want to pour out a little bit to allow for that expansion.
–Frozen milk should not spoil, but on average you may not want to freeze longer than 3 months just because it can absorb other orders from your freezer.
–Thawing milk is best done in the fridge and can take up to 2-3 days.
–Once thawed it is best to use with 3-5 days.So if you are one of those who find yourself always running out of milk when you really need it, grab an extra gallon or half gallon jug next time you are at the store and give this a shot. Or if you find yourself with a great deal on milk, especially one of those FREE milk deals we have seen lately, you may want to stock up. Now you can!
Just be sure to test it out before going crazy freezing 10 gallons. :)
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I love getting good deals on milk but I’ve learned a few things along the way. It is much, much better to freeze half gallon jugs of milk than gallon ones. The gallons take too long to thaw. Also, open the jug and pour a little out. That whole contracting and expanding thing will get you every time ;)
We’ve had good results freezing whole milk!
Other orders???
I think she meant to say ‘odors’.