Many people are looking more and more to using natural products whenever possible. If you are looking for tips on How to Lighten Your Hair Naturally I have several ideas to share with you. Summer is here so many of you are wanting to lighten your hair. Before you run to the hair salon or pick up a bottle of Hair lightening products, check out these natural hair lightening remedies.
Some benefits to using natural ingredients at home to lighten your hair are:
– No hair damage
– Inexpensive
– Shiny, soft and moist hair
– Effective results at your own home
– No salon visit
How to Lighten your Hair Naturally for Summer:
A mixture containing Honey is a great way to lighten your hair.
What You Need:
1 cup of raw uncooked honey
2 cups of distilled water
1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon or cardamom
1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
What You Do:
Mix all the ingredients completely.
Evenly apply the mixture onto damp hair using a brush or comb.
Wrap your hair in saran wrap. If possible, also put on a swim cap or something that can hold the saran wrap tight against your head to keep the hair wet.
Keep this on overnight.
You may need to wash your hair a couple times to remove all of the honey.
Why this Works:
Honey naturally contains small amounts of hydrogen peroxide, which itself is a lightening agent. Cardamom, cinnamon and extra virgin olive oil are considered peroxide boosters.
You can also use Lemon Juice to naturally lighten your hair.
What You Need:
Lemon Juice
What do Do:
Mix about 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to 1 cup of water. Apply mixture to your hair before going out in the sun.
You can also try applying the lemon juice directly to your hair.
Why this works:
Lemon juice also contains natural hair lightening properties. The acid in the lemon juice reacts with the sun’s UV rays and accelerates the highlighting process. So this process does not require sunlight, but it should speed up the process.
Another natural option is Hydrogen Peroxide.
What you Need:
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hair conditioner
What to Do:
Straight peroxide can be a little more harsh on your hair than the other products, so it is better to dilute it with conditioner and then leave in your hair overnight. Heat will accelerate the natural bleaching process, so you can dry with a blow dryer to see more dramatic results. If using heat, be sure to rinse your hair out after about 15 minutes to stop the bleaching process. A more gradual effect can be reached by mixing peroxide in your conditioner and just using the shower every day for about a week.
Why this Works:
Hydrogen Peroxide has natural bleaching elements that works well on hair.