Calling all JK Rowling fans! This is one freebie you won’t want to miss out on – this FREE JK Rowling Book The Ickabog! Make sure you get your FREE Luna Bar, too!
FREE JK Rowling Book The Ickabog
JK Rowling is giving back to her fans while we’re in lockdown – FREE JK Rowling Book The Ickabog! Every weekday from now until July 10, she’ll post a chapter (or two, or three) on The Ickabog website! The first 2 chapters are already up!
Read JK Rowling’s The Ickabog for FREE Here
Rowling came up with the idea for The Ickabog while she was writing her famed Harry Potter series, and she planned to publish it after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. That didn’t happen, however, as she wanted to take a break from children’s books.
While we’ve been in lockdown, she thought about publishing the book for FREE for kids. And, for the last few weeks, she worked to finish it. It was written as a book to be read aloud to kids, but it’s suitable for kids ages 7-9 to read to themselves.
When this book is published, Rowling is pledging all author royalties to help groups who’ve been particularly impacted by the pandemic. Further details will be available later in the year.
Remember to check The Ickabog website everyday to read the new chapters that have been posted!