Don’t miss the great deal on dish liquid this week! You don’t need ay Dawn® Coupons to pick up bottles of Dawn® Dish Soap for only $0.49 at CVS!
Through 6/23/18 CVS has the 8-9 oz bottles of Dawn Dish Soap on sale for $0.99 each. Buy 1 bottle paying $0.99 out of pocket. Through 6/20/18 you can redeem this $0.50/1 Dawn Liquid Dish Soap – Checkout 51 Rebate making it only $0.50!
Dawn Dish Soap 8-9 oz.-$0.99
$0.50/1 Dawn Liquid Dish Soap – Checkout 51 Rebate; Includes 8 – 9 oz Only; Claim Up to 2 Times
Pay $0.99 out of pocket, earn $0.50 Checkout 51 Rebate
$0.49 after rebate!
You can’t use coupons with this rebate offer but if you prefer, you can use the $0.25/1 Dawn Dish Liquid CVS App coupon to pay just $0.74 out of pocket.
Dawn Dish Soap, 8-9 oz – $0.99
$0.25/1 Dawn Dish Liquid CVS App coupon
$0.74 after coupon!
Dawn® is the registered trademark of Procter & Gamble.