12 Airplane Travel Hacks for Kids
Are you planning a trip soon that will require airplane travel with kids? The thought alone can be frightening, and might have you wondering what you can do to make it a smooth event. The good news is there are some ways to make traveling by airplane with kids easier and more peaceful, not just for you and them, but for the other travelers around you. Take a look below at 12 airplane travel hacks for kids that you can try on your next trip!
1. Pack those snacks!
Nothing is worse than a hungry child. Be sure you have plenty of snacks on hand that are easy to eat, not messy, and on their list of favorites. This might be the time to treat them to snacks they don’t get often, making it feel like a special occasion.
2. Download plenty of apps.
Make sure your devices are loaded up with plenty of apps to keep them occupied. They will enjoy playing their favorite games and watching their favorite shows and it will no doubt help the time fly faster.
3. Don’t forget kid friendly headphones.
Invest in a comfortable pair of children’s headphones so they can easily enjoy their games and movies without disrupting others. Choose a pair that fits smaller heads and ears and are comfortable so they won’t mind wearing them.
4. Bring a child sized travel pillow.
This can help your child feel more comfortable and give their neck and head some support. They will also feel like one of the grown ups using their own travel pillow, no doubt!
5. Introduce your child to the flight attendants.
This can help them feel like they have a friend as well as another watchful eye on board. The flight attendant can answer any questions your child has or help you lay out expectations for the flight.
6. Take an online tour.
If your child hasn’t been on a plane before, take a tour of one online via YouTube. This is a great way for them to see what to expect, how the chairs look, how the passengers sit nicely, etc.
7. Bring along some chewy candies.
Chewy candies can help with ear popping as the plane takes off and lands. Give your child candies to chew or gum to help with the discomfort that comes at these moments. If anything, the taste will help redirect their attention.
8. Consider a natural motion sickness treatment.
You can find acupressure bracelets online and at most drugstores to help with motion sickness. You can also see if a dab of essential oil on the pulse points can help with relaxation and stress associated with flying.
9. Try a reward chart.
This doesn’t have to be fancy, just a note card that you put stickers on will do. Let your child earn a sticker every 15 minutes or half hour (depending on length of flight) and if they earn so many stickers, they can choose a treat when you arrive at your destination.
10. Try reward envelopes.
Instead of a chart, fill envelopes with small treats and allow the envelopes to be opened throughout the trip as long as behavior is good. It gives your child something to look forward to and earn during the duration of the flight.
11. Opt for child friendly carry ons.
There are so many travel bags now designed just for kids to use when flying. These are compact but durable, and have pull bars and wheels so kids can pull them on their own. Not only do they love pulling their own luggage, but it takes stress off of you and allows for you to carry more on to the plane.
12. Pack a few in case of emergency items.
Be sure you pack a few in case of emergency items such as wet wipes, hand sanitizer, a puke bag, a change of clothing, or children’s medications should the need arise. You never know when there might be an accident and having these items on hand can make a huge difference.
There is no need to stress about flying with children. Instead, give these 12 travel hacks for flying with children a try instead!
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