Everyone is so incredibly grateful for our teachers and how they’re having to adapt to everything going on right now! That’s why many companies like Fitcrunch are wanting to show their appreciation by giving back! And one way to do that is with this Free Fitcrunch Bars Care Package! You can also find a ton of other FREE Stuff Online that could be useful to you!
Free Fitcrunch Bars Care Package
Right now, Fitcrunch is offering a FREE “care package” of their popular bars in order to help give our teachers the boost they need to stay on their feet!
I’ve had the opportunity to try some Fitcrunch bars and they are quite delicious! Additionally, they can keep you full while on-the-go which is super important.
The teacher’s Fitcrunch Care Package includes Fitcrunch Protein Bars and school supplies – all of which teachers will love! The protein bars will keep them fueled during the day, and what teacher WOULDN’T want more school supplies?!
You can also get a FREE Care Package for Healthcare Workers, too! This package includes the following:
- FITCRUNCH Snack Bars
- FITCRUNCH Anti-bacterial Wipes
- An Uplifting Note
It’s a super easy deal to score, too! Check this out:
“In these trying times it’s important to support those that support us all, so we need your help in showing appreciation for the healthcare workers around our great country. Please nominate a healthcare worker to receive a FITCRUNCH care package of snacks. Let’s work together to fuel our loved ones and friends on the front line.”
So what are you waiting for!? Nominate your favorite Teachers and Healthcare Workers see a smile light up when they receive their FREE Fitcrunch Care Package!