If you love to bake, or even for those of you who rarely bake, you will want to take note of this super simple Homemade Brown Sugar recipe. I hate being in the middle of making something delicious for my family and realizing I’m out of one or more ingredients.
So many yummy baking recipes use brown sugar, but if you don’t find yourself baking often, this is a great way to make your own brown sugar when you do instead of buying an entire package that may sit in your cupboard.
You just need two recipes and about 15 minutes to make this simple recipe. If you live close enough you maybe could have made it to the store and back in 15 minutes, but making your own brown sugar is so much more fun! And this homemade recipe makes brown sugar that is super fluffly because you just now mixed the ingredients together!
What you Need:
Granulated Sugar
What you Do:
Combine sugar and molasses in a mixing bowl and using an electric mixer, mix on medium speed until molasses completely combined with sugar. No clumps should be left.
To make 1 Cup of Light Brown Sugar: Combine 1 cup granulated sugar with 1 1/2 tablespoons molasses
To make 1 Cup of Dark Brown Sugar: Combine 1 cup granulated sugar with 1/4 cup molasses
If you want to make just enough for your recipe, just adjust the amount of granulated sugar and molasses you use. A cup of granulated sugar will yield 1 cup of brown sugar after mixing with the molasses.
Then just use what you made or store it in an air-tight container.
It doesn’t get much easier than that! And this easy tip can save you an unnecessary trip to the store in the middle of your baking session.
If you have brown sugar already, but you think it is too hard to use, check out this tip on How to Soften Brown Sugar!