Now that the back to school craziness is finally settling down, it’s time to start thinking about the upcoming holidays! Yikes! Can you believe it? They are just around the corner and Halloween will be here before you know it. To get you in the Halloween mood, I’m showing you how to make a Halloween Wreath. A wreath that looks like a witch is extra fun on Halloween.
For the base of the wreath you are going to need some black mesh ribbon and a wire wreath form. I bought 2 different sizes of mesh ribbon. A small roll (5″ wide) and a medium roll (10″ wide). Each roll was 30 feet long and I used up each roll completely for this wreath. I found a black wire wreath form that had pip cleaners already attached, but you could use any wire wreath form and just buy a package of pipe cleaners. You will need 20 – 25 pipe cleaners for this wreath.
Starting with the medium width ribbon I made several double loops. Pinch the end of the ribbon measure 12 – 16 inches of the ribbon from the end and pinch and gather the ribbon together making one loop. Measure another 12 – 16 inches and pinch and gather the ribbon so you make a double loop. Cut the ribbon and attach it to the wreath form using the pipe cleaners.
Continue making double loops out of the medium width ribbon and attach them to the wreath form in a staggered way. I went one on the outside loop and then one in the inside loop and continued around my wreath form until I used up the medium roll of mesh ribbon.
To make the wreath fuller, I used the small width mesh ribbon and made double loops the same as I did with the medium mesh ribbon. I filled in the areas that were bare in the same staggered way until the roll of ribbon was gone. This is not a difficult process, it just is a little time consuming, so turn on your favorite show and get to work. You can manipulate the mesh and fluff it where it needs to be fluffed to make it look the way you want. If you wanted to add even more mesh ribbon, you can do that to.
Now for the fun part. I just free handed a witch’s boot onto a piece of paper and cut it out. Using chalk, I traced the boot onto black felt and cut out 2 boots.
I wanted black and green striped legs for my wreath. I knew I needed a 2″ wide leg to fit my boot. My felt wasn’t long enough so I had to cut (2) 2″ strips of green felt for each leg.
For the black stripes I cut a 2 inch piece of black felt and used chalk and the width of a ruler to draw my stripes and then I cut them out.
Since I had to use 2 green strips per leg I matched up the two ends and put a line of hot glue on each end. Then I covered it with one of my black stripes to hold it together. From there I used my ruler to make sure my stripes were the same distance apart and hot glued my black stripes onto my green legs.
When I got to the end of the leg, I used some hot glue and added my boots. Making sure my boots were pointing opposite directions.
Then I though maybe my boots needed some buckles. I cut (2) 1″ squares out of purple sparkle felt and added a black square to the middle to make it look like buckles.
I just hot glued my buckles to my witch’s boots.
To attach the legs of the witch to the wreath, I wrapped them around the outside loop of my wire wreath form and added hot glue to secure them.
I found these awesome witch accessories at Hobby Lobby.
I wasn’t sure how I was going to attach them to the wreath and then I found this thin gauge wire at the hardware store.
I wrapped the wire around the brim of the witch’s hat making sure my ends were long enough to attach it to the wreath. I fed the ends of the wire through the wreath and pulled the hat as tight and as close to the wreath as I could, winding the thin wire around the wire wreath form until it was secure. I adjusted my mesh wreath loops around the hat until I got the look I was going for .
For the broom I used the same thin wire. This time though I added a dot of hot glue to make sure the wire wouldn’t slip off the broom. I fed the wire through the wreath and wrapped it around the wire wreath form until it was secure. I adjusted the loops of the wreath as needed.
Now it’s ready to display!!
Such a fun and cheery wreath for being a Halloween Wreath. Which I’m not a fan of spooky Halloween, but love cutesy Halloween. If witches aren’t your thing, you could always make a big spider for your front door.
Now that you know how to make a Halloween wreath, there is plenty of time to put this wreath together for your Halloween decor.
Happy Haunting!
Where did you get the broom for this wreath? Darling!
I found the broom at Hobby Lobby.
So cute! Where do you find the broom and hat?
Hobby Lobby!
OMG i just stumbled upon this when looking for mesh wreath ideas and this is SOOOO cute! Do you mind telling me your total cost? I love that witch hat too…..hope to find one at my local Hobby Lobby!