BEST Photo Canvas Deals | Get a 16″x20″ Print for $16 + SHIPPED! Reg. $135!

Photo Canvas Deals
Comments (7)
  1. Charlotte VanHorn says:

    It says free 11×14 when I follow the link.

  2. Kari Mulroney says:

    says 11×14, not 16×20

  3. Traci says:

    Is anyone else having problems with this? It says promotion applied before I start to make the canvas and then at checkout, I am being charged the full price.

  4. Becky says:

    It didn’t work for me :/

  5. Amy says:

    I’m not getting any discount at all when following the link, it still shows regular price, all the way through checkout. Has the promo already expired?

  6. Ann Marie Manelski says:

    I tried ordering at what point does it show free? It says promotion applied but still charging me

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