Want to send some flowers to the woman you love? This is a nice discount on them delivered to your house! Right now, these is an awesome Teleflora Groupon Deal for flowers. We have lots of other online deals for you, too.
Teleflora Groupon Deal
Groupon has $30 worth of flowers for $13 or $40 worth of flowers for $20. BUT, Today Only you can also get an extra $1 off making these as low as $12 for a $30 voucher!
You’ll use your voucher on the Teleflora website to order your flowers. This voucher expires on 2/1/2020. There are bouquets to fit every style and budget. Gift yourself or a loved one with a bouquet or centerpiece. Each bouquet is hand-arranged and hand-delivered by a local florist, and same-day delivery is available.
Hurry to take advantage of this deal to get Teleflora flowers for as low as $9.75!