Tie Dye Cloud Dough is a multi-colored cloud dough recipe that is a sensory activity for kids. Just 2 ingredients plus color are needed for this easy and fun stay-at-home activity for kids.
I know my kids get a little antsy when they are stuck indoors too long. Whether you want a stay-at-home activity or rainy day project this is great. You can store it and have endless amounts of fun for days of fun.
Tie Dye Cloud Dough
Cloud dough is a fun corn starch and conditioner blend that creates a soft and fun texture for kids to mold and shape and play. It is a combination of say a play dough and slime.
More Fun Kid Activities
What Is Cloud Dough Made From
You can buy a really cheap hair conditioner and reach for corn starch from your pantry. The food coloring is optional. It adds fun color to your cloud dough, and my kids love adding different colors.
You can use any mix or single color food coloring you have. Anything goes.
What If I Don’t Have Cornstarch
No cornstarch? That is okay, you can reach for an all purpose flour to replace the cornstarch in the recipe. You will use the same amount of flour as you would the cornstarch in the recipe.
The flour will slightly affect the texture of the mixture but not by much. It is such a fun activity that “gets their hands dirty” and lets them have lots of fun making and playing with this cornstarch play dough.

Tie Dye Cloud Dough - Fun Indoor Activity For Kids
2 Ingredient Cloud Dough plus coloring is a fun and easy indoor activity for kids. Give this tie dye play dough a try.
- Inexpensive Hair Conditioner
- Corn Starch
- Food Coloring (2 colors)
- In a small bowl, mix 1/4 cup conditioner and 6 drops food coloring
together. - Add 1/2 cup corn starch and mix well. In a separate small
bowl, mix 1/4 cup conditioner and 6 drops of the other color of food
coloring together. - And add 1/2 cup of corn starch. Mix well.
- Then combine both colors of cloud dough to make tie dye cloud dough.
The longer the dough is played with, the more it will combine into
one color!
How To Play With This Cornstarch Play Dough
Play time is endless options when it comes to the play dough. Grab cookie cutters and make fun shapes. Reach for plastic play knives and let them cut and create. Or just let them shape and make whatever animals, shapes or more they have in mind. You will find you can do so much with this dough.
With food coloring I always recommend working and playing on a safe counter or table. Sometimes if you add too much food coloring it can bleed and dye the area you are playing on. So make sure to not add too much.
Will This Store
Yes! Place in a sealable bag or airtight container. Of course, as you play with this cloud dough it will mix in colors, but it will still give you hours of upon hours of fun playtime if you want. Just store for around a week in a container. That will help keep it fresh and pliable when you want to play with it.