I have a HOT freebie for you Shop Your Way Rewards Members to grab that is as simple as a text message! You will get a mobile Ziploc Coupon to use to grab a box of FREE Ziploc Bags at Kmart! Text Offer!
Just text ZIPLOC to 56278 and then you must text a reply to their text with the letter Y to subscribe to Kmart mobile alerts. You will be sent an additional text message with a link to your mobile coupon offer. This one will be for FREE Ziploc Bags! There is no size restriction but there may be signage at your local store. In store only. Expires 8/5/2017.
Tip: You may want to sign up to be a Shop Your Way Rewards Member to save even more! It’s Free to Join and you can Sign Up to be on my Personal Shopper team here, that way I can send you exclusive coupons! Once you sign up for Shop Your Way Rewards you can earn points to use on future purchases :)
Check out the 12 oz. Thermos Funtainer Food Jars as low as $10.88!
I sent a text for the ziploc bags, but got a reply that it did not understand my message.