I am always looking to add great New Content on Saving Money and Living Better on my blog. If you have a guest post on a topic that you think my readers would be interested in I would love to hear your ideas.
Here are the topics we are currently looking to cover:
Saving Money on Kids Items (Clothing, Toys, School Items, Books)
Simplifying Life (Tips and Tricks to make life with kids easier)
Crafts for Kids (I would love to have some Creative and Fun Ideas for things you can Create with your Kids)
Entertaining (Do you have a Fun Birthday Party Idea, Centerpiece, etc.)
Saving Money around the House (Creative ways to cut costs at home)
Gift Ideas (I love creative Gift Ideas for Kids, Baby Showers, Wedding Showers, Holidays and Just Because & Thank You Gifts!)
Recipes (Simple and Easy family recipes)
Share Your Shopping Trip (Include Photos, Receipt Totals and the Coupons and Deals you used)
Personal Finance Tips & Strategies (Things that have helped you Budget, Get out of Debt and Save!)
Do It Yourself Tips (Do you have a great tip for creating something yourself rather than buying it, Please Share!)
Guest Post Guidelines –
Before submitting a guest post please read these guidelines carefully
- Submitting a Guest Post does not guarantee publication. We will review all guest posts and publish those that fit closely with our readers interest and the goals of Passion For Savings.
- Guest Posts should seek to Teach our readers something new or something that hasn’t previously been covered on PassionForSavings.com
- Preference will be given to Guest Posts that show a Genuine interest in helping PassionForSavings.com Readers. We will not publish posts that appear to have a strictly PR or SEO related goal.
- All Guest Posts must be Unique Content (not Published anywhere on the Web)
- Guest Posts need to be between 400-800 words. You can check your word count here: http://www.wordcounttool.com/
- Guest Posts must be submitted by emailing heather (at) PassionForSavings (dot) com
- Please use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation on your guest posts. And be sure to credit any sources you may site.
- Please include a link to a Creative Commons Photo or an Original Photo to be used with your Guest Post
- Include a Short Bio (50 Words or Less) You may include a link to your site within the bio section. We love to share new and exciting sites with our readers!
- Do not include time sensitive information in guest posts. We may take up to 4-6 weeks to publish your post so we do not want to have posts with out dated content so please focus on ideas and topics that are valid for upcoming holidays (Think ahead) or Money Saving Methods valid all year long.
Typically it can take a few weeks to publish guest posts. If you have an idea of a guest post and you would like feedback prior to writing your post please email heather (at) PassionForSavings (dot) com, or use the Contact Form. If you do not hear back from me in a 2 weeks please assume that I was not interested or did not feel that your idea was a good fit for my readers.
Tips for Writing a Guest Post
Choose 1 Topic or a Narrow Focus. I am looking for great In Depth Articles to help Teach My readers something new, so Choose a topic that you know a lot about!
Include Examples. Great Guest Posts include Personal Examples, Stories and Photos.
Bullet Point and Be Concise. A Great Guest Post is well written, interesting and easy to read. Bullet Points, Short Paragraphs and engaging content makes a post easier to read.
Be Real. My personality is very laid back, I love talking and having a conversation with my readers so relax a little bit, don’t worry about being too professional it will make it easier for readers to relate to your guest post if you aren’t too up tight. (However, I am still looking for good spelling and grammar, I just don’t want you to worry about being too “professional” sounding)
Use Pictures. I think photos make things easier to understand and can grab attention for those readers just glancing through posts. Make sure to use Creative Commons Photos or your own original photos, we don’t want to use photos that we don’t have permission to use.
Submit your Guest Post
Once you post is written you may send your post via email to heather (at) passionforsavings (dot) com
Quick Checklist:
- Include your Full Name
- Include your Site URL (If Applicable)
- Include a Post Title
- Include The Post Content (400-800 words) with Bullet Points for easy reading
- Include any Images (Must be Creative Commons or Your Own Unique Images)
- Include Your Bio
Note: Comments on this post are closed. If you have a question or you want to submit an idea please email heather (at) PassionForSavings (dot) com, or use the Contact Form