Do You Feel like yelling at your computer everytime you go to print a coupon? Here are a few tips that will help you get started. Most of the time the problem has to do with the link not being compatable with the browser that you are using.
When trying to print a “bricks” coupon (the ones that start out with “………”) you will need to change a couple of letters in the address depending on which browser you are using.
For example, Here’s what the address looks like on a typical printable coupon:
If you are using Internet Explorer, this link will work just fine. For those using Internet Explorer (IE) your link can look like this vi&o=57042&c=PU&p=smDpIRXJ
or this
What if you are using Firefox (FF)? Just change those two bold letters in the addresses above to either “vg” or “wg.” So it would look like this vg&o=57042&c=PU&p=smDpIRXJ
or this wg&o=57042&c=PU&p=smDpIRXJ
What about those of you who print their coupons from Safari on their Mac? Just change those same two letters to “xs” which would look like this
There you go! Hopefully that will help when you click on “print coupon” and all you see is a screen that says “please wait.” Just check the address to make sure it’s the right one for your browser!
Thanks to Rachel at Surviving the Stores for help with this information