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A&W Restaurant Coupons & Sales
If you have an A&W Restaurant nearby, then you’re in lucky! On August 6th, you can head to participating restaurants and score a FREE Root Beer Float! There is no promo code needed to snag this deal, but make sure you head over on August 6, show off your Float Flex—that is, hit us with your best physique-flaunting pose—from 2–8 p.m. local time at any participating U.S. A&W Restaurant and get a FREE Small Root Beer Float.
I used to drink root beer floats made with the classic A&W brand root beer, so it brings back some good memories stopping by A&W for floats whenever we can! I wish we had one closer to us, personally! I’d do anything for a free root beer float right now! Ha!
So if you’re lucky enough to have one nearby, be sure to snag this super sweet offer! Click here to find out more about this freebie and track down a participating location!