Looking for an easy way to make some extra cash? Try Unlock Surveys! This is a great program to provide your feedback in exchange for gift cards to all of your favorite stores including: Target, Amazon, Starbucks, and even PayPal! You can find even more great budget tips like this on our website.
Unlock Surveys
Unlock Influencers have got it made! And you can experience it all too by signing up and getting started today! All you have to do is submit your feedback via surveys in exchange for points that can be redeemed for gift cards to all of your favorite places! I love doing these simple surveys to make a little bit of extra cash. It makes it way more fun to treat the kids to a Starbucks run when it’s on Unlock’s Dime! Ha!
What is Unlock?
“Join Unlock’s dynamic community of survey panelists today and earn rewards for your opinion. At Unlock, we connect you with daily opportunities to participate in surveys and earn rewards. As a member of our exclusive community, you will unlock points and on-going sweepstakes entries by participating in surveys and other activities. Your points can be easily redeemed for popular reward options below and much more. The choice is yours!”
How it works:
Step 1: Sign up
Sign up for free and become a valued member of our survey community.
Step 2: Take surveys
Select from a variety of surveys that match your interests and demographics. Start sharing your opinions.
Step 3: Earn and redeem rewards
Earn points and sweepstakes entries for the surveys you complete. Points can be redeemed for PayPal, iTunes, Amazon gift cards and more.
Want to give it a try? Click here to sign up!