There is nothing worse than spending your hard earned money on a product, only to find that you could have purchased it cheaper elsewhere. While you could always try and return it, some items aren’t returnable and in many cases, refunds can be quite a pain. Instead, why not try Paribus?
Paribus is the app that looks at your purchases, and if it finds better deals elsewhere, gives you a refund on the price you overpaid. Does this sound too good to be true? Look below at some helpful information about Paribus, and see how you can stop being afraid of overspending!
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How to Let Paribus Get Your Money Back!
1. Set up your Paribus account.
Setting up your Paribus account is simple. You simply agree to the terms and can even log in using Google or Yahoo. It is helpful to have a Google, Yahoo, or Outlook email when you sign up. If not, simply click on the “other email” option and they will guide you further.
2. Start shopping.
Paribus can help when you shop for items online, not in the store. Here’s how. When you make an online purchase, you get a confirmation email sent to your inbox. They will catch this email and see what you paid for the product. Simple, right? And no worries, they will not access your other emails, send emails for you, or ever sell your information.
3. Now Paribus gets to work!
Once Paribus knows what you paid for a product, they will look for cheaper buys. The behind the scenes app does all the work for you, looking to see if the matching item is being sold for less elsewhere. When it finds a lower price, you the difference back in your Paribus account!
4. Paribus doesn’t stop at just products!
Are you worried about overpaying for a hotel or travel accommodations? Did you purchase an item that took longer than expected for delivery? This program can help in these situations, too! Paribus can help you get money back when you overpay on travel and can even help you get compensated when delivery times don’t pan out as promised.
5. Paribus lets you shop and “forget it.”
So many users claim that they purchased items, forgot about it, and a short time later Paribus found them a refund. The nice thing is you can shop and forget it, and let the system take it from there. You don’t need to chase deals, and can save time and money in the process.
As of today, Paribus has found over 29 million dollars in a refund for their customers! Visit Paribus and see what all of the fuss is about. It takes only seconds to set up your account, and in no time you too could find refunds waiting for you. Head to the page where you can see Paribus in action, read testimonials, and so much more.