Online Extreme Couponing Class
Are you trying to make your budget work? Lost in the chaos of life and just not sure if you have time to figure out how to use coupons? Then this series is for you! You can learn to use coupons and you can save money on your grocery bill and it’s not as complicated as you think!
Our Online Extreme Couponing Class walks you through the basics of where to find coupons, to the more complicated Couponing Strategies so that by the time you are finished with all the lessons in this series you’ll be a PRO!
We cover everything from Menu Planning and Stockpiling to Shopping at the Drugstores and How to Shop Online!
Here’s just a little bit of what you’ll learn:
- Lesson 1: How to Understand Coupons
- Lesson 2: Where to Find Coupons
- Lesson 3: How to Organize Coupons
- Lesson 4: Coupon Terms & Abbreviations
- Lesson 5: Couponing Strategies
- Lesson 6: How to Make a Meal Plan
- Lesson 7: Understanding Coupon Matchups
- Lesson 8: How to Build a Stockpile
That’s just the beginning, there is so much more!!!
NEW! Extreme Savings Course
Are you short on time? Wanting to Save Big, but not sure Coupons are your thing! Well you’re in luck because I believe you can change the way you shop with or without coupons and I’ve put together a brand new Extreme Savings Course that will walk you through my Favorite Strategies for Saving Big!
You can reduce your spending by as much as 50% if you follow these simple strategies!
This course includes the complete eBook with all the information, 7 days of Videos and challenges to help you stay on track, and dive into savings that will change your life!