Swagbucks tips that will help you continuously earn free gift cards every single month! Learn the tips and tricks that will keep you bringing in money each and every month. Whether you put away for gifts, shop to treat yourself, or any other reason. These are must-know secret Swagbucks Tips and Tricks you don’t want to miss.
Swagbucks is something I have used for years, and if you are not using it, you need to be. To me, Swagbucks is the definition of easy money in my books. Sit back, do a few tasks and gain those bucks to cash out for gift cards.
Here are more ways to make money online
Swagbucks Tips
Sign Up for Swagbucks
First off, if you are not a member of Swagbucks, what are you waiting for? Click here to head over and create an account on Swagbucks. Plus there is a $10 bonus right now for anyone new who signs up.
1.) Refer Your Friends
So one way to gain a lot of money in your pocket is to take the time and refer your friends. They get $10 and you get a bonus as well. Because Swagbucks is such a fun place to be a member of, it is easy to rave about all the free perks you have gotten along the way. I have used Swagbucks for literally years, and the money I have made is enormous!
2.) Special Offers
Swagbucks has tons of special offers. Like ordering Hulu right now gains you 3,500 Swagbucks. Or if you download Postmates you get close to 3,000 SB. They will have different offers at different times. While I don’t do them all, I only take part in ones I am interested in. If I had already planned to do Postmates why wouldn’t I go through their site. It will earn me valuable points!
3.) Shop and Earn
Forget eBates and use your Swagbucks account to shop and earn from your favorite stores. You can earn cashback on orders PLUS Swagbucks for each dollar you spend. Every store will offer a different deal, so make sure to check before you dive into ordering. Home Depot, Walmart, Target, Amazon, Expedia, and so many other stores are available on their store list.
4.) Free Codes
You can find sites that share free codes that you can redeem for extra points. Just make sure to check back often as these codes are time-sensitive.
5.) Videos
Many people take advantage of the videos. They turn the volume down let it run while they are doing other things whether it be working or doing housework. You just have to have the videos running to earn the points. Or you might find an area that really interests you and you will enjoy watching their videos.
6.) SwagButton
If you are on the computer a lot. Download the Swagbutton extension for your Chrome, Explorer, or Firefox browser. Then each day you get 1 SB and then when you go to order from a site that is part of the Swagbucks shopping, it will have a popup to allow you to go through SB first.
7.) Take Those Surveys
I know people think surveys are overrated but let me tell you, they are worth the time. If you are sitting watching tv at night, hop on your phone and do some surveys and gain those points. They add up quick and are worth money when you go to cash out. Plus it isn’t hard to answer honest questions.
8.) Daily Goal
SB will give you a daily goal of points to meet. If you do-so they will give you free bucks in return. It is a nice perk and a way to rack up even more bucks in your account that you can later cash out.
9.) Follow Them on Social Media
Follow Swagbucks on Twitter and Facebook and they will periodically share free codes to redeem for added points. It is a way to say thank you for following them on their accounts.
10.) Games
If you enjoy games check out their game section. It is a way to pass the time and earn points. We love games in our home so when we are at an appointment or just sitting around, play a game to pass the time and earn.