Getting Organized

10 Ways to Get More Done Each Day

Comments (8)
  1. Lydia Oliver says:

    Such great ideas for busy working women. I plan on sharing this with my grown daughters. We all have time management issues. Thanks so much!! Lydia

  2. Love the book, Eat That Frog! Has helped me to get those big things out of the way first thing in the morning. The saying alone will make anyone want to accomplish said tasks for the day. Great list!

  3. anej says:

    If there’s a big task or project I need to get started on, I’ll set everything out fur myself the night before. It’s easier to sit down and get started promptly that way. And those before bed hours are usually less productive so it’s a win win.

  4. Vanessa says:

    Loved the post, it was really helpful. That is also an app called cuckuu that can be a great way to stay organized.

  5. Latisha says:

    Thank you for these really useful tips. I agree 100 % on being an early bird. Tip # 11, go to bed early. Great tips. Have a blessed day.

  6. Teri says:

    Good morning. I was looking at your picture at the beginning of your article. What format did you use when you printed it out. Thanks and Happy Holidays.

    1. Passion For Savings says:

      You can try to copy and paste the information to a word document so you can format it as you prefer. Otherwise I would just select the information you want to print and when you go to print it, just click on “print selection” I am not sure if this will print the way you want it to, but using a Word document will allow you to move stuff around so it looks good.

  7. Cassandra says:

    What a great post with very helpful advice. I’ll be starting some of these In the new year. I completely agree with writing all your tasks on a to do list including the small stuff. I realized the other day that sometimes I feel like I’ve done nothing because of what I can see yet if I wrote down everything I had really done, it would be surprising!

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