10 Ways to Make $100 Quickly
Have you found yourself in a financial bind? Do you need to come up with some fast cash? Well the good news is, there are plenty of legal ways to come up with funds in a hurry. If you need to make some cash fast, check out these 10 ways to make $100 quickly. They are perfect for when you find yourself in a cash crunch!
1. Round up those name brand accessories. Chances are you won’t miss that designer pair of sunglasses or bangles. These items sell well on Ebay, and you can enjoy a 1 or 3 day auction so you can get your cash fast.
2. Sell your scrap gold. It doesn’t matter if the gold jewelry is broken or out of style, just take it to your local jewelry shop where they will weigh it and make you an offer. The cost of gold is always rising, so you are sure to get a pretty penny for it.
3. Sell your other various scrap metals. This can include scrap silver, sterling silverware, jewelry, copper pieces, aluminum, soda cans, and more. Take these items to a local scrap yard where they will weigh the items and give you a price.
4. Sell designer items to a local consignment shop. Find a shop that buys your designer items on the spot. Gather up clothing items, hand bags, jewelry, sunglasses, shoes and more. Take them in and see what you can get for them. Shops such as Clothes Mentor offer cash on the spot so there is no need to wait for your item to sell.
5. Give plasma. Many plasma banks pay well for your time, and many offer a first time donation bonus. After a few visits, you could earn well over $100 for your time and effort.
6. Have a garage sale. Gather up those household items you don’t use anymore and have one heck of a garage sale. Price items to sell, advertise well, and you are sure to move a lot of inventory and make some cash.
7. Sell items on social media. So many people are turning to social media pages to sell personal items. Give this a try and see if you have an audience for it. You can also join garage sale groups on Facebook.
8. Turn in all of your loose change. You might be surprised at how much change you have hiding in your home. Gather it all up and take it to the bank where you won’t be charged a fee to cash it in.
9. Offer a parent’s night out. Invite family and friends to enjoy a night out while you hold a playgroup at your home. Charge per family, offer fun games and activities, and see if you can’t make a few dollars while giving parents a much needed break.
10. Unload your gently used kid’s clothes and accessories. Shops such as Once Upon a Child are perfect for getting cash on the spot for your items. Make sure they are clean and in good shape so you can get the most money possible for them.
Coming up with cash in a hurry takes a little work, but it isn’t impossible. Give these tips for making $100 quickly a try and see how much you can earn.