As the cost of living rises, you may find yourself searching for extra ways to make some extra cash. Instead of worrying about paying the bills, getting the kids clothes and school supplies, and the ever increasing grocery expenses be proactive. There are ways to make the extra money you need online. Of course, anything that is worth doing takes time. If you apply yourself and put in the time investment you will reap the rewards. To help you on your quest here are 15 apps that will pay you cash or PayPal rewards.
15 Smartphone Apps that Will Pay You Cash or PayPal
Ibotta is an app that is easy to use and obtainable on both Android and iOS. To use ibotta you download the app and unlock the rebates you want prior to going shopping. When you finish easy tasks you can unlock your cash rewards. Then you go shopping at any of their selected stores and purchase the items you’ve unlocked. Next, you validate your purchase by scanning your item barcode and send in a snapshot of your receipt. Within 48 hours you will have your money deposited in your ibotta account.
Shopkick is a program that’s completely free to join, Sign Up Here, the download the app to your phone, you can earn “Kicks” as you walk into stores or when you scan products in stores, it’s super fun, easy and most importantly completely FREE!
Swagbucks is one of the most liked and well-known apps that pay money, gift cards, and prizes by completing one of their ways to earn. You earn by shopping, watching videos, completing surveys, playing games just to name a few. Swagbucks is free to join and easy to use.
4. Nielsen Computer & Mobile Panel
The Nielsen Computer & Mobile Panel is an app that pays those who qualify to download their free app. They are an analytics company that will collect data from your phone. The longer you keep this app on your phone the more money you can easily make up to $75 the first year.
InboxDollars is an app that is free to download and actually pays you $5 for signing up. They pay you to complete surveys, play online games, and search the internet. You can get you payment by check once you have $30 saved up.
Sign Up for Inbox Dollars Here!
Sign Up for My Points, Download the App and get paid to search the web, read your email, visit websites and shop online! All things you’re already doing and this app makes it easy + You’ll be earning FREE STUFF just for using your phone!
SlideJoy is an app that will pay you when you download their app. They will send ads to your smartphone’s lock screen and pay you monthly. The amount they will pay you depends on how often you use your phone.
ScreenPay is similar to SlideJoy it is also an app that pays you to download their app and they give you $1 signup bonus. They will pay you $3 a month to send their ads to your smartphone’s lock screen.
Receipt Hog is an app that helps you collect hog rewards by taking a photo of your receipt from wherever you go shopping. It is comparable to ibotta except you can shop anywhere and get reward points. The points are exchangeable for Amazon gift cards or payment through Paypal.
Break out your Smart Phone and Get PAID to use the Quick Thoughts App. Just take simple surveys, answer polls, complete tasks and more, this app is completely free to download and join and you can redeem rewards for Free Amazon Gift Cards! What I love about this app is that it’s easy to use while you’re on your phone so you can earn money anywhere, while you’re waiting at the doctor’s office, watching tv, hanging out at dance class. It’s so easy to use!
Download the Quick Thoughts Mobile App Here
ESPN Streak for the Cash app is fun and rewarding for sports fanatics. Once a month, they reward someone $50,000. You get cash rewards by predicting scores for future games and having the longest streak of accurate predictions.
Mobee is an app that pays you to be a secret shopper. You get jobs to assess neighborhood stores and restaurants. Things like cleanliness, customer service, and operations missions are easy to assess and submit by answering 5 – 10 questions after you shop.
Bookscouter is an app that helps you make money by selling any books that you no longer want or need. All you have to do after you download the app is scan the barcode on your book and Bookscouter will give you payout options from many different buyback companies. You decide which company you want to sell your book too and ship it.
Get Paid to go in stores, take photos, complete a task and more! This app pays you real money for completing local tasks and reporting back feedback. Payments are sent via paypal.
Submit your Photos from your phone to this app and sell them as “Stock Photos” You’ll earn $5 for every photo someone buys! This is a great way to turn your obsession with your iPhone Camera into actual cash!!!
Savings money and making extra money online is very possible. The work you put in is worth it to help you pay your bills and support your family. Worrying about the money you need and not doing anything about it will not help you or your family. You can be proactive and make a big difference for your family.