Some people look at saving money like it needs to be hard and it doesn’t! Make saving money easier on yourself, not harder. Even shopping for groceries can be super easy and not something you need to hurt your brain thinking about. Want to know a super EASY way to save money? Shop at a warehouse.
Keep in mind that a warehouse store is a place that offers a discounted price on their items. These items are meant to move quickly. Usually, when you shop at a warehouse there is nothing fancy about the place, it’s just an awesome place to shop. It’s a place to get the best deals not the fanciest cup of coffee that you can find.
15 Items You Should Buy at Warehouse Stores
1. Buy organic food in larger quantities.
Typically, warehouse stores have organic foods that you can buy in bulk and it’s always a lot cheaper. Make sure to check the label to ensure it’s really made with organic ingredients.
2. Purchase pet food from warehouse stores.
Think big when it comes to your dog and cat food. You can easily purchase these items in bulk at a warehouse. Compare the unit price and see how much you’ll save by buying in a larger quantity.
3. Toiletries are a must buy.
Think about how much toilet paper and other toiletries your family goes through. It may be in your best interest to also buy these a warehouse stores. Other toiletry items to buy in large amounts are toothpaste, Q-tips, cotton balls, and even diapers or pullups. Don’t forget the baby wipes!
4. Veggies are a great item to buy in large quantities.
If your family goes through a lot of veggies and you plan on freezing some, why not buy them in bulk? It makes perfect sense. You can save quite a bit of money by going this route.
5. Rice and pasta can be purchased in larger quantities.
Since rice and pasta do not go bad quickly, they make ideal items to purchase in larger quantities.
6. Laundry soap is something you can never have too much of.
When shopping at a warehouse store, it’s more than okay to stock up on laundry soap. You know your family will use it.
7. Canned goods last a long time.
Canned goods are not something you want to spend a ton of money on. So, if you can get them really cheap at a warehouse store, stock up!
8. Bottled water is a must.
Our family goes through water like crazy, so if I can purchase it in bulk from a warehouse, I do. The price per unit is usually really cheap and just makes sense for our family.
9. Specialty items your family uses.
If your family uses specialty items like coconut flour and whey protein, and you can find them in bulk, then they are totally worth purchasing from a warehouse store.
10. Cereal and other dried breakfast goods.
Think inside the box for this tip. Buying cereal and other dried breakfast goods, like oatmeal, pancake mix and so on, is a smart move at a warehouse store.
11. Dairy products, if your family uses them a lot.
Think cheese, milk, and yogurt. Maybe your family uses these items a lot? You can easily buy these in large quantities from a local warehouse store.
12. Items for packing lunches.
If you pack your kids’ lunches every day, buying items in bulk for their lunches only make sense. Items like pretzels, chips, crackers, cookies, cakes, or anything else that works well in lunches or for snacks are perfect for purchasing at a warehouse.
13. Ingredients for baking with the family.
Baking with your family can get expensive really quick. You can easily pick up a variety of baking items at your local warehouse store.
14. Baby items are a must buy.
I mentioned buying diapers, wipes, and pullups from a warehouse, but you can also purchase baby food in larger amounts. You’ll get a way better deal than buying in smaller singular amounts.
15. Random items are a fun buy at warehouse stores.
The truth be told, you sometimes come across the coolest and most random items at warehouse stores. You may get a pretty good deal on it, so always be on the lookout! I’ve seen things like snow blowers, patio furniture, and even playsets at our local warehouse stores.
Check out our stockpile list to help you compare unit prices. It’s a printable that you can take with you to the store or even check it out online. Download it here.