Is there anything worse than buying produce and it goes bad within a few days? STOP buying fruit that is just going to go bad. Instead, learn how to properly store your produce, so you can save money in the long run. You may not understand that you are throwing away money. These 20 produce storage tips will help you save money now and later.
- Grapes are more than fine being stored in the container in which you buy them in. Just make sure you wash before you consume.
- Salad should be stored with a dry paper towel. The paper towel actually absorbs all of the moisture from the salad. You can do this with other greens like spinach.
- When storing berries, leave them in a vented container, uncovered. They will last up to five days like this. You’ll want to store berries in the fridge. Use vinegar and water to clean your berries.
- Love pears? You can actually leave these yummy fruits on the counter for up to four days once they are ripe. I’ve stored my pears like this in the past and they are super yummy!
- Place tomatoes on the countertop in a vented container for up to five days. You’d be amazed at how fresh they taste when you store your tomatoes this way.
- Citrus will last in your fridge for at least 2 weeks without being in any sort of container. Try to leave it unwrapped to help it last this long. If you decide to cut the citrus in half, expect it to not last as long, and make sure it’s wrapped.
- When it comes to apples, there seems to be a split opinion on how long they last. Some say that apples are best left on the counter and others say apples are better stored in the fridge. What do you think?
- Those avocados that you love? Make sure you leave them on the countertop to ripen. However, once they are ripe, you can expect them to only last about 4 days!
- Prep produce for storage. Now that you know a little about storing certain kinds of product, here is another tip. If you don’t plan on eating your fruit or veggies, prep them for proper storage. You can cut up your fruits and veggies and freeze them until you’re ready to eat them.
- Freeze those bananas. If you’re the type of person that loves banana breads or even smoothies, freeze those overripe bananas!
- Keep your fridge temperature just right. I have actually frozen produce in the drawers because my fridge temp was too cold.
- Invest in air tight containers. This has been a life saver for our fruits and veggies. Don’t buy the cheap storage containers, go for the good ones that you can use and reuse!
- Don’t mix produce. As far as I know, produce lasts longer if you keep it packaged with its own kind.
- Don’t let produce sit out for long periods of time. After you get home from the store, put away the produce as soon as you can. Obviously, some produce is okay, but you really do not want to let refrigerated produce sit out too long.
- Rotate the produce in your fridge. Whenever you’re adding in new produce to your fridge, make sure you are rotating by putting the newer produce on the bottom and the old produce on top.
- Use them up. You can store your produce all you want, but the best way to save money on your produce is to use them up. Find new ways in which you can use your produce.
- Get creative. Let’s face it, sometimes you don’t have all of this time to look up what needs to be refrigerated or left out. Do your best and get creative with the rest. For example, if you don’t have a storage container, use a grocery bag and make sure it’s wrapped tight.
- Make sure your produce is dry before storing. Bacteria can grow when things are wet and break down your veggies quicker. Wash them when you’re ready to eat them!
- Freeze your fruits in smoothie ready containers. If you’re really trying to get creative with your fruits and veggies, blend them up and freeze them for your smoothies.
- Know what needs refrigerated. Make yourself a cheat sheet, so you know exactly what needs refrigerated and what does not.
Bonus Tip—Learn how to keep your Strawberries Fresh by using these tips. I’d love to hear how you store your produce and save money along the way!