It isn’t too late to start saving money in the new year, and to find ways to cut your expenses and boost your budget. If you are looking for ways to spend less this year but just don’t know where to begin, you have come to the right place. Take a look below at 30 ways to spend less this year and keep a little extra cash in your pocket. You will find these solutions and suggestions to be helpful and practical, and even painless. Here are 30 ideas to get you started.
30 Ways to Spend Less this Year
1. Make a habit of clipping out coupons each week and actually using them. Keep a coupon envelope in your purse or car to encourage use.2. Go on a drive thru fast. Avoid drive thru food and eating for one week each month. You will be amazed at how much you can save.
2. Always order water at Restaurants. You’d be surprised how much you can cut from your restaurant bills. The drinks are expensive!
3. Avoid the upgrade. Whether you are buying a tub of popcorn or booking a hotel room, avoid the upgrade and the extra charges that come with it.
4. Switch to cloth. Stop buying paper towels and napkins and switch to cloth which can be used over and over again.
5. Try vinegar for cleaning. It is cheap, it works great, and it costs pennies per use when compared to fancy over the counter cleaners.
6. Grow your own herbs. If you cook often, plant a small window sill garden. This way you can grow fresh herbs and avoid the pricey grocery store ones.
7. Use a shower timer. This will help you take quicker showers which means using less water and running the gas water heater less.
8. Skip the movie theatre and opt for Red Box instead. If you do want to see a movie, opt for the matinees or discount nights.
9. Pay in cash. You will be amazed at how much you save when you actually fork over cash and have to see the money you are parting with. It makes you think twice before spending.
10. Reuse jars. Whether they be pasta jars or soup jars, rinse them out and reuse them for leftovers, crafting, vases, etc.
11. Cut down on cable. See if you can scale your bill back by eliminating services and channels you don’t use and need.
12. Cut down credit card interest. Call your credit card company and negotiate the interest. This will help you save each month on pesky interest charges and all it typically takes is a phone call.
13. Utilize your dollar store. Whether you need snacks, hardware, home décor or candles, head to the dollar store before you opt for big box retail stores.
14. Cook from scratch. Don’t buy pre-made meals and mixes and instead try making your own and see how much you can save.
15. Drink water. Not only is it better for you but it costs pennies per serving as opposed to soda or juice.
16. Make your own coffee. Creating your own coffee drinks at home will cost you less than heading to Starbucks each day.
17. Decorate with items you already have. Avoid buying new home décor items and see how you can reuse what you already own.
18. Learn how to recover/paint furniture. This is a great way to freshen up what you already own and give it a new look.
19. Browse thrift stores. See if they have what you are looking for before you opt for a big box retail store.
20. Find creative ways to use leftovers. This way they can last you longer and multiple meals.
21. Cover drafty areas in your home so your air conditioning or heat is not running more than it has to.
22. Only run the dishwasher or washing machine when it is a full load.
23. Take advantage of free concerts and art events in your area for entertainment.
24. Attend local sporting events for high school and college teams. They are great entertainment for less.
25. Let friends know you are saving money this year. This will help them plan more budget friendly group activities.
26. Learn how to make simple fixes to clothing so you don’t need to discard them if they become damaged.
27. Take advantage of local parks and free play groups for kids.
28. Try bundling internet, phone, and cable to see if it makes a difference to your monthly bill.
29. Check out budget grocery stores such as Aldi and Save a Lot. You can get high quality groceries for less, in some cases stores like Aldi carry a lot of gluten free and organic items for less.
30. Opt for paperless billing. It may save you on your monthly bill plus you save on stamps and envelopes.
See how easy saving money in the new year can be? Give these 30 ideas a try and see how much you can save.
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