*This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of P&G. The opinions and text are all mine*
New Mom, New Dad, New Parents…How do we do this thing called parenthood? Will we mess up? Will we do something right? Absolutely! I want to encourage you to reflect on your journey so far as a mom, or maybe you haven’t had children yet and can learn from some things I’ve realized since becoming a mom.
7 Realizations I’ve had Since I was a New Mom
Do you ever start looking back at time and analyzing what you might have done differently with your kids, your job, your choices and more? Lately I have been thinking a lot about my kids because they’re growing up right before my eyes. My youngest started school this year and I’ve realized how quickly those years before school flew by. I want to share with you 7 Things I Wish I had Known as a New Mom. I hope this will help you reflect on your own journey of parenthood.
1.) Cherish The Baby and Toddler Stages
If you’re in this stage now, you might think I’m crazy. I know, I’ve been there. Sleepless nights, bed wetting, tantrums, defiance and more. But when you look back, you realize you sometimes miss the great things in this stage like snuggles, smiles, hugs, their tiny hands and feet and more! I promise, when they grow up you’ll look back and wish you’d done some things differently, but you’ll never regret time you cherished with them as little ones!
2.) Use Diapers that Prevent Leakage
Changing clothes is not fun with lots of leaky diapers! Pampers Cruisers are some of my favorite diapers because the flexible leg cuffs gently seal around baby’s legs for a strong leakage barrier while offering the best fit and dryness for babies on the move. They’re great as your kids start crawling and walking. Sam’s Club is a great place to stock up on Pampers Cruisers. Through October 31, 2017, get $8 instant savings off 2 Pampers Diapers. If you use Club Pickup by ordering online at samsclub.com everything will be waiting for you when you arrive and won’t even have to leave your car at many clubs, which means dragging the kids out right when they’ve fallen asleep! If you’re already in Sam’s Club, you can use their Scan & Go app to skip the checkout lines and get on with your day faster.
3.) Let Kids Be Kids
Do you ever try to make your kids grow up? I am guilty of this! They love to do things kids do like dress up, play in mud puddles, and use paint on the sidewalk. Clean up is possible, and changing our mindset of “I have to clean up this mess” to “that was so fun for my kids” can make a world of difference!
4.) Schedule Family Nights
This might be pizza night at home with a movie, game night, or going out to a Video Arcade. Whatever it is, make time to just BE with your kids doing some fun activities. In today’s technology focused world, we have to be intentional about putting our phones down and spending time with people, but especially our families!
5.) Schedule 1-on-1 Dates with Your Kids
It had been a while since I’d gone out with my daughter and we scheduled some time together last weekend. It makes her so happy just to be with me. She loves to shop and have lunch together. I know she and I will both cherish these times! Be sure to schedule time with each of your kids with each parent in the family.
6.) Get Involved in Your Kids’ School
I like to help with parties at the kids schools and be involved in their classrooms and with their teachers. It’s good for me and it makes my kids feel special when I am around. Since they are gone all day it is another way I can sneak in a little more time with them. It also shows them I think their education is important and that I’m invested in them even when they aren’t with me.
7.) Play With your Kids
I’ve always said I didn’t want to be the mom that never played with my kids. Do you ever find yourself saying these phrases a lot…just a minute, maybe later, it’s too cold, I’m tired…yes us moms have a lot of hats to wear and there is always something that needs to be done! I just think we may look back and say we should have played more and enjoyed our kids. I hope you’ll take the challenge with me!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Pampers at Sam’s Club. The opinions and text are all mine.