Dollar Tree Elf on The Shelf Props and Creative Poses will help you think up easy and affordable options for your friendly elf who is getting into mischief!
You all know I love Dollar Tree and I have some creative and spectacular ideas for you to try out this year. If you are bored of what to do, here are fun and creative elf on the shelf poses for you to use.
Plus check out more elf on the shelf ideas
Dollar Tree Elf on The Shelf Props
1.) Taco Night
If you are a Taco Tuesday family, this will fit right into your weekly routine. Here is a super affordable and FUN idea that ends with a tasty and simple dinner for your family.
Dollar Tree Prop: Taco Shells and/or Taco Seasoning
2.) Slow Cooker Bath
Another great idea is to create this crazy simple slow cooker bath elf DIY. Now, you can find a few items at the Dollar Tree to use in this cheap elf on the shelf idea. I think our kids will really get a kick out of this prop setup.
Dollar Tree Props: Cotton Balls and Rubber Ducks
3.) Popcorn Party
Is it a movie night? Check out this 3-minute idea. You can simply create this elf on the shelf display in literally minutes. Plus if you plan for a movie night grab an extra bag for later!
Dollar Tree Prop: Popcorn
4.) Duck Pond Feeding
Cute, silly, and a great way to greet your child as they head in to brush their teeth in the morning! This duck pond feeding you literally just fill the sink, place some rubber ducks, and plant your elf on the side of the sink. Add some bread or even tortillas from Taco night and enjoy.
Dollar Tree Prop: Rubber Ducks
5.) Cookie Snack Attack
This cookie snack attack takes just 1 minute to assemble. Open the bag and toss in your elf and place somewhere in the house. Then let your kids have a blast searching and end up finding the elf face first in a bag of cookies.
Dollar Tree Prop: Bag of cookies
6.) Present Surprise
This is a great one to do. You could wrap empty presents or opt to find cheap toys to wrap and treat your kiddos with. I love this idea and it is a quick one to whip up once the little ones are asleep!
Dollar Tree Props: Wrapping Paper and then small toys if you want
7.) Puzzle Fun
Grab a small puzzle and stage it up with stuffed animals, or other toys you have on hand. This is a fun way that shows teamwork with all the animals and of course your elf. This is a great last-minute prop setup idea.
Dollar Tree Prop: Puzzle and if you need other toys to stage
8.) Checkers Playoff
You can buy a $1 checker mat that you can lay out and assemble to look like your elf is playing checkers. This is such a fun idea. You could also look for other dollar games to grab and stage throughout the time your elf is visiting the home.
Dollar Tree Prop: Checker game
9.) Sponge Car Wash
This is one of my favorites! Grab some sponges and enjoy whipping up a fun hot cars car wash idea. Or if you have a Barbie car or two, do that as well. Hilarious, fun and creative.
Dollar Tree Props: Sponges, cotton balls, and any toys you might need
10.) Brush Your Teeth
Here is another fun one. Grab some toothbrushes and toothpaste and pull together this elf on the shelf idea in literally seconds. A great way to remind your kiddos to wash their teeth.
Dollar Tree Props: Toothbrushes, toothpaste