Easy Family Time Ideas for Summer
Are you prepared for the summer yet? Kids will be out of school, the weather is nice and you need something simple to do with the family. We know what you’re going through and that is why we have gathered some ideas for easy family time this summer. You can try them out for yourself or use them as inspiration to create your own unique, fun ideas.
Here are some easy family time ideas for summer:
Have a Staycation– Sometimes you just don’t feel like fighting the summer vacationing crowds. Maybe you’re on a budget and you want to have some family fun time without breaking the bank. Whatever your reasons, it can be a great idea to have a Staycation this summer. There are different ways to do this and figuring out what you want is part of the fun. You could rent a local hotel room and enjoy sights in your own town or you could literally stay right in your home but transform it to an exotic oasis. There are so many great ways to enjoy a Staycation with the family. Be sure to let the kids help out with the planning.
Take a Road Trip– When staying at home is not right for you, there is always the classic road trip. Just pack up the kids, some snacks and hit the road! You can rent a vehicle if you’re not sure your car will make it or if you need more space than your everyday car allows. You can also look up fun sights to see along the way. Your road trip might be to a specific destination- such as a landmark or to visit relatives- or maybe you’ll just hop in the car and see where fate takes you. Part of the fun of a road trip is that you never know just what will happen once you’re on the open road.
Attend Camps/ Go Camping– Just like there are summer camps for kids, some areas offer family camps that let you do things together. These are usually centered around a specific theme. If your area is not offering something like this, you could consider making your own camp. Head out to the lake with the kids and a tent and don’t forget your fishing poles. This can be a great way to get away from it all and enjoy some quality family time together.
Create a Backyard Water Park– This is perfect for hot days at home when you need something to cool off and have a little fun together. Get all the kids and family together- no one is too young or too old- and enjoy some water fun. You can buy inexpensive pools, sprinklers, water slides and other fun water toys to enjoy right in your own backyard. If you like a competitive edge, add some games and contests to the mix and watch your family fight it out.
These are some easy family ideas for summer that you can try out for yourself. Would you add anything to the list? Have you done any of these already with your family?
Also, check out this Fun Summer Idea for kids, Create your own Washable Chalk Paint! My kids love doing this and it gives them something to do for Hours on a Hot Summer Day!
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