Free Printable Goals Worksheet
In addition to the Free Budget Planner I’ve got an awesome Free Goals Worksheet I know it’s the middle of January already, bu tit’s not too late to start working on goals for this year or maybe just next month. Sometimes I do better with shorter term goals than big ones. Also, it’s important to break up your long term goals into short term goals.
This Free Printable Goals Worksheet is available to you to download here. You can print out one or all of the sheets, there is also a Free Budget Planner available and a Free Printable Daily Planner worksheet to help you get organized for the new year!
How to Use the Free Goals Worksheet:
This Goals worksheet is designed to be used on a monthly basis. It allows you to set 4 larger goals, then break those goals down into sub-goals. What I like to do is think of something I really want to do like Finishing a Specific Book or Deep Cleaning my house, or maybe Trying Green Cleaners this month. Then break that task down into more attainable goals. For me personally, breaking it down into something I Can accomplish in one day is important, then it doesn’t feel as overwhelming.
For Example, If you have a goal to Try Glean Cleaners. You might want to pick just 4 cleaners to try and make one a week :) This is an easy and attainable way to accomplish your goal.
If you are needing to Deep Clean Your House. Pick 1-2 tasks fore each line under that goal and do one per week or one per day for a week. That way you’re acomplishing a lot but it doesn’t require a huge chunk of time all at once.
The important thing with goals is to 1) Write them down and 2) Get started! You aren’t going anywhere towards your goals if you don’t ever start. Having small attainable things listed for each goal helps me get started and I often find once I get started it is easier to move onto the next mini-goal because I’m already feeling accomplished!
Don’t forget to download the FREE Budget Planner that’s also available right now! This is a great time of the year to start setting your Financial Goals and creating a budget and a plan for managing your money!
Make sure you check out our Saving Money Blog and also our How to Coupon Page for more tips, tricks and videos on saving money and using coupons.
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