Do you have kids? Have you ever wondered How to Get Rid of Ink Stains on Fabric?
Check out my tips for How to Get Rid of Ink Stains on Fabric! This REALLY WORKS! The other day I walked into the living room to find out my 2 year old wrote on the chair. I was starting to get upset because I’ve tried really hard to hide the pens and keep them out of reach of my youngest. I knew he didn’t mean to, and I knew that it wasn’t a big deal, but I was afraid I would not be able to get the ink out of the fabric.
I instantly started searching for something to clean it and decided to “Google” what to do. I wanted a quick fix that wouldn’t ruin my furniture. I was hoping that it wouldn’t be something too hard that I wouldn’t have time for because I just wanted to get the ink out.
When baby wipes came up I was surprised and decided to give it a try since I had some in my house. I mean I have a 2 year old.. I have baby wipes laying around everywhere! I scrubbed the chair that had ink on it and the ink came right out! I was shocked at the results! It was amazing!
You can’t even tell where the ink stain was! It was quick and simple! All I had to do was let the dampness from the wipe dry! Now, I hope this never happens to you, but if it does (and if you have little ones running around your house then it is completely possible) try this before you try anything else! You’ll be amazed at the results and how quickly it works!
If you are reading this because you need a quick fix for getting the ink out of fabric, leave me a comment and let me know if this worked for you like it did for me! I always love hearing how easy hacks have changed your life! Maybe share with me some of your favorite toddler home hacks for cleaning up messes!
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