It’s that time of year. The colder weather tends to bring on dry, itchy skin for many of us. If you are like me, I feel like when it gets bad there is really no lotion out there that will totally do the trick. I’m always wishing there was something else.
Here are some home remedies for dry, itchy skin for you to try out. Most of which can be done with stuff you already have laying around the house.
1) One very quick and easy remedy to try is to add a cup of baking soda to your bath and soak for about 30 mins.
2) You can also add a couple cups of oatmeal to your bath. Let it sit on your irritated skin.
3) Squeeze some gel from an aloe vera plant directly on to an especially irritated area of skin. Rub it in and repeat as needed.
4) Rub coconut milk on your skin and allow to sit overnight. Then you can rinse off in the morning.
5) Apple Cider Vinegar has been known to relieve itchiness. It can be applied to a small area with a cotton ball, or added to your bath water for overall relief from itchy, dry skin.
6) Rub a lemon directly to your itchy irritated skin for instant relief.
7) Lightly heat some honey and let sit on the irritated area of skin for about 15 minutes. Then just wash off.
8) Drinking more water will keep the skin more hydrated. So get in your 8 glasses a day!
9) Use olive oil and rub it on your skin and let sit right before you hop in the shower. It will rinse off leaving your skin feeling more moisturized.
10) Use a humidifier to send some moisture into your home. If the air isn’t as dry chances are your skin will not stay as dry either.
coconut oil is most compatible with human skin and it rinses clean away. it’s as versatile as vinegar when it comes to DIY beauty. One very important tip, cool your bath water a little. it’s terribly drying to soak in too hot water.