I love using Febreze Fabric Refresher around the house, so you can imagine my excitement when I discovered that I could make my own at home. A great way to keep you house smelling great plus save some money as well.
There are a few ways you can make homemade Febreze. You can choose to use a recipe based on ingredient you have on hand at the moment, or try various ones to see which one you like the best.
For all recipes you will need a spray bottle and a funnel depending on the size of the hole at the top of the spray bottle. Then add the ingredients from each recipe to your spray bottle and shake well.
Recipe 1:
>> 1/8 cup fabric softener (You can use the one you think smells the best, or just use whichever is the best bargain.)
>> 3 tablespoons baking soda
>> Fill the rest of a 32oz spray bottle with warm water and shake well.
Recipe 2:
>> 2 tablespoons rubbing alcohol
>> 2 tablespoons Purex Crystals
>> Fill the rest of a 32oz spray bottle with very warm water. Shake until the Purex Crystals dissolve.
Recipe 3:
>> 2 tablespoons fabric softener
>> 2 tablespoons white vinegar
>> 10 drops of your favorite essential oil
>> Fill the rest of a 32oz spray bottle with warm water and shake well.
It’s that easy! Use this fabric refresher to freshen up just about anything around the house. The duvet on your bed, your furniture, curtains and even the carpet! If you won’t use the entire bottle in one use, be sure to shake it well before every use as the products will separate if left sitting.
Spring cleaning is a great time to use this homemade febreze recipe, but it keeps the house smelling great all year long! I like to use different scents depending on the time of year, so experiment with different fabric softener scents or essential oils!
Does the fabric softener stain fabrics, or leave a residue?
Your first recipe says 8 cup of fabric softener. I think this might be in error.
Carla, thank you for the heads up! It should be 1/8 cup. It is now correct :)