We have been working on the process of Moving and Packing over the last few weeks and one of the things that I always find my self doing is De-cluttering my Wardrobe, it’s just too easy to accumulate clothes without ever getting rid of something.
Many people are surprised by just how much they have in their closet when they really take the time to look. So take some time this summer to really get that closet cleaned out.
To help, here are some Tips on How to Declutter Your Wardrobe:
–Take everything out of your closet. Toss into one of three piles: Keep, Toss, Maybe. The “toss” pile should include anything that doesn’t fit, has stains, is ripped (and can’t be mended) or that you just know you never wear. The “keep” pile should be all the clothes you LOVE and you know you wear on a regular basis. The “maybe” pile is everything else.
–Once you are done sorting, immediately do something with the “toss” pile. Whether you choose to donate or put away for an upcoming yard sale, get it out of the bedroom. The “keep” pile put back neatly into your closet (to find out how to put it back in a way that will help you possibly purge even more, keep reading). The “maybe” pile you can either put in a box for 3-6 months to see if you find you need it. If you don’t go looking for it in that time, it’s time to get rid of it. Or you can put it back in the closet using the method below to determine if it should be a keep or a toss.
–If you are still unsure that you really got everything out that needed to be removed, one great trick is to turn all of the hangers backwards (like in picture below). Once you wear it put it back the correct way. After 3-6 months, take out everything that still has a backwards hanger. Of course you will need to take into consideration seasonal wear, but otherwise send the rest of those items packing.
Decluttering your wardrobe can be a pretty big task, but once you get started you will find it won’t take as long as you think. And you will feel so much better after you do. Plus you will find you have so much extra room in your closet to buy some new stuff (on sale of course)! :)