I love finding new ways to create my own All Natural Cleaners and also to Re-Use and Re-Purpose Items that I already have on hand or that I can buy very inexpensively.
Today I wanted to share with you 2 Different ways you can create your own Dryer Sheets. The First Method Uses Vinegar and the second method uses Liquid Fabric Softener, Both work great as a softener and static reducer, and both are very inexpensive it’s just up to you which one you prefer to use.
Version #1 –
Use 3-4 Old Towels, Dish Cloths or Wash Cloths
Place the Wash Cloths in a Container that seals tightly with a lid
Combine 1 Cup Vinegar, 1 TBSP Baking Soda and 4-5 Drops of Essential Oil in a Measuring Cup
Pour Vinegar & Baking Soda Mixture over the Wash Cloths
Seal the Container and Shake to completely cover the Washcloths
Remove and Let Air Dry
Once Dry toss these in the Dryer with your Clothes :)
Version #2 –
Use 2-3 Old Towels, Dish Cloths or Wash Cloths
Place the Wash Cloths in a Container that seals tightly with a lid
Combine 1/2 Cup Liquid Fabric Softener with 1 Cup Water
Pour mixture over the Wash Cloths
Seal the Container and Shake to completely cover the Washcloths
Remove and Let Air Dry
Once Dry toss these in the Dryer with your Clothes :)
See, I told you that would be easy. I personally like the Fabric Softener Method, I like the scent that comes along with it and it makes my Liquid Fabric Softener Last longer. The Vinegar is more of an All Natural and Chemical Free Version that still works great.
I just use vinegar (cheap Walmart white stuff) in a Downey ball in the rinse cycle – cleans my machine AND softens the clothes !! No vinegar smell….
I would love to know how many times you can you the ‘dryer sheet’ before you have to soak it again?
I have tried using a hand towel with just liquid fabric softener. It lasts about 3 weeks. That’s doing laundry for a family of 5
Do you know about how many times you can use the sheets before you have to soak them again in the mixture?
Is it Liquid Laundry Detergent or Fabric Softener, I am confused?!
How many times can you use these before you have to redo the process?
How long can the homemade dryer sheets be used before they need to be washed and remade?
I think you meant “liquid fabric softener” not “Liquid Laundry Detergent”?