How many of you have walked about from your little angel coloring at the table for just a second, to come back and find their creative ability has made it all the way to the wall. Regardless of if what they created was one of their best pictures of your family dog, or just a bunch of scribbles, you will eventually want to remove it from the wall. (If it was really that good you can take a quick picture first.) :)
So here is how to remove crayon from the wall using toothpaste. And since toothpaste is something that most people who coupon always seem to have a lot of, it’s the perfect thing to use.
Toothpaste should easily take that crayon masterpiece off the wall. Just be sure to use a non-gel toothpaste.
— Squirt a little bit of the toothpaste on the wall on or near the crayon marks.
— Use a rag or a scrub brush and using circular motions, wipe the toothpaste over the crayon marks until they are gone.
— Rinse with water.
The grit in the toothpaste acts as a mild abrasive to easily remove the crayon marks.
You little one may be disappointed to see their fun removed from the wall, but they can be easily distracted with a new coloring book.
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It is scary but baby wipes work as well