Print this Annie’s Snack Coupon available! You can stack your organic coupons to pick up Annie’s Organic Granola Bars for only $1.12 at Target!
Through 1/20/18 Target has the 6 count boxes of Annie’s Organic Granola Bars on sale 2/$5 or $2.50 each. Buy 1 box and stack the 15% off Annie’s Granola Bars Target Cartwheel Offer with the $1.00/1 Annie’s Snacks printable making it only $1.12 out of pocket!
Annie’s Organic Granola Bars – 2/$5 or $2.50 ea
15% off Annie’s Granola Bars Target Cartwheel Offer (exp 1/20/18)
$1.00/1 Annie’s Snacks printable
$1.12 after cartwheel & coupon!
In addition, there is a long-term sale on the Annie’s Organic Fruit Snacks and snack crackers 2/$6 or $3 each through 2/3/18. Buy 1 box and use the $1.00/1 Annie’s Snacks printable making it only $2 out of pocket!
Annie’s Organic Fruit Snacks or Snack Crackers – 2/$6 or $3 ea
$1.00/1 Annie’s Snacks printable
$2 after coupon!
Grab your Nabisco Belvita Bites only $0.75 Per Box at Target!
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