We love to bring you great coupons to help save you money! When we find Bonefish Coupon & Sales we want to make sure you know about it! I seriously love Bonefish and it is on our shortlist of date night restaurants! Here is a Bonefish Coupon that you can use to save $10 on a purchase of $40 or more! Make sure you check out all the great coupons we bring to you!
Bonefish Coupon & Sales
Ready to make your plans for date night at Bonefish? Here are the details for the coupon! You can print the coupon or show it to your server on your phone. You can only use one coupon per check per visit. Available for dine-in only. EXPIRES 10/27 so make plans to use it soon! Click here to get your $10 off $40 Bonefish coupon!
Bonefish Grill® is a registered trademark of Bloomin’ Brands Inc.