My kids love these! The Dollar Tree Mini Christmas Tree Supplies are finally hitting stores near me! You may want to take a look at all of the Christmas Trees we have found on sale for you lately as well.
Dollar Tree Mini Christmas Tree Supplies
These Mini Christmas Trees are always such a hit with my kids so it’s kind of a tradition now. And when I was at the Dollar Tree this week I noticed my store already had a nice selection of mini tree trimmings. But the mini trees were already picked over and there were only 3 white ones left!
How cute are these Mini Tree Skirts?!
And the little Star Tree Toppers are pretty cute as well.:)
You’ll even find mini light sets and tiny Christmas Bulbs in several colors.
If you want to get fancy with your little tree you can even grab LED lights for it. HA!
My store actually had a huge wall of nothing but mini tree ornaments to choose from.
All of these things tend to go quickly once they hit the stores. So if you are wanting anything you will want to head to your local Dollar Tree soon!