You can combine your Splenda® Coupons and Ibotta Rebate for a great deal today! You can stack them to pick up FREE Splenda® Naturals Stevia Sweetener at Target!
Target has 40 count Splenda Naturals Stevia Sweetener priced at $3.49 each regular price. Buy 1 box and use this $3.00/1 Splenda Naturals Product Coupon from 3-25-18 Smart Source Insert paying $0.49 out of pocket. You can then redeem this $1.00/1 Splenda Naturals Stevia Sweetener Product – Ibotta Rebate making it FREE + $0.51 Moneymaker!
Splenda® Naturals Stevia Sweetener, 40 ct – $3.49
$3.00/1 Splenda Naturals Product – 3-25-18 SS; DND (exp 05/05/18) (Use 1)
$1.00/1 Splenda Sweetener Product printable
$1.00/1 Splenda Naturals Stevia Sweetener Product – Ibotta Rebate (Use 1)
Pay $0.49 out of pocket, earn $1 Ibotta Rebate
FREE + $0.51 Moneymaker after coupon and Ibotta!
Splenda® is the Registered Trademark of HEARTLAND CONSUMER PRODUCTS LLC.
Don’t miss the Kinder JOY® Egg Treat+Toy only $0.55 at Target!