You can combine your Splenda Coupons and Ibotta Rebate for a great deal today! There are $2.50 in savings available making Splenda Naturals Sweetener only $0.99 at Target!
Ibotta is one of my all time favorite ways to save and when you can combine a coupon on top of it you’re really saving! Target carries the 40 count boxes of Splenda Naturals Sweetener for $3.49 each regular price. Buy 1 box and use this $1.00/1 Splenda Sweetener Product printable paying $2.49 out of pocket. You can then redeem this $1.50/1 Splenda Naturals Ibotta Rebate making it only $0.99!
Splenda Naturals Sweetener, 40 ct – $3.49
$1.00/1 Splenda Sweetener Product printable
$1.50/1 Splenda Naturals Ibotta Rebate
Pay $2.49 out of pocket, earn $1.50 Ibotta Rebate
$0.99 after coupon and rebate!
Check out how easy it is to stack coupons with the Ibotta app! Simply sign up with Ibotta to gain access to more savings you can get by just using your phone. Go HERE to find out why I LOVE it so much!
Don’t miss the Cascadian Farm Organic Cereal only $1.51 at Target!
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