We have a fantastic deal using your Wish-Bone® Coupons from the latest Smart Source insert! You can pick up Wish-Bone® Dressing for only $0.99 each at Walmart!
Walmart carries a variety of Wish-Bone® Dressings for $1.98 each regular price. Buy 2 bottles and use the B1G1 FREE Wish-Bone Coupon from 5-13-18 Smart Source Insert paying $1.98 out of pocket. That is just $0.99 per bottle! Pricing does vary by region.
Wish-Bone® Dressing, 15 oz – $1.98 ea (Buy 2)
B1G1 Wish-Bone Dressing – 5-13-18 SS; Includes 15 oz Only; Maximum Value $2.99; DND (exp 06/24/18)
$0.98 ea wyb 2 after coupon!
Wish-Bone® is the registered trademark of PINNACLE FOODS INC.