Does it seem as though you are living paycheck to paycheck? Then take a look below at 7 ways to have money left over at the end of the month. The truth is, you can have money left in your pocket at the end of the month when you make some simple tweaks to your lifestyle. Here is how you can begin and start having more money at the end of the month!
7 Ways to have Money Left Over
1. Go on a spending freeze.
When you go on a spending freeze, you simply agree to not spend money for a certain amount of time. It can be a day, three days, or a week even. Try to go on a spending freeze each month for 5-7 days. During these days, vow to not spend any money unless it is an emergency.
2. Shop with a list.
When you shop with a list, you avoid impulse purchases. Create a list prior to leaving home, and vow to stick to the list. When you do this, you can easily save big bucks at the checkout.
3. Drop one luxury purchase each week.
Do you love specialty coffees and baked goods? Grabbing lunch at your favorite deli? Manicures? Drop just one of these luxury purchases each week. At $20 each, doing this four times a month saves you $40 or more.
4. Purchase only sale items.
Vow to purchase only items that are on sale. If an item is not on sale, you wait to buy it until it is. By doing this you not only get a better price, you may forget about the item all together. In the end, the savings adds up!
5. Shop with coupons and coupon codes.
There are coupons and coupon codes for literally everything these days. Whether you are ordering a pizza, buying shoes, or getting an oil change, see if there is coupon for the item or service. A simple Google search or will let you know in just seconds. This couple of seconds can really help you save and stretch your dollar.
6. Be mindful of your utility usage.
Try to take shorter showers. Wash your clothing in cold water. Seal drafty doors and windows. Set your thermostat at a reasonable temperature. Turn off lights when not in use. Simple steps such as these can help you cut your utility bills down, which means you will be writing smaller checks each month for the services.
7. Skip convenience.
Convenience will cost you. Make your own meals at home instead of buying carry out. Never buy groceries at a convenience store. Avoid buying single serve items. When you do these things, you are spending more to pay for the convenience. Instead, be a little inconvenienced and save.
You now know 7 ways to have money leftover at the end of the month. Give these tips a try and see what a difference they can make. For our family skipping convenience, buying on sale and shopping with a list are three things that at one time were out of necessity that have now become a way of life! We don’t even realize we are making these sacrifices any more because they are such a way of life!
Make sure you check out our Saving Money Blog and also our How to Coupon Page for more tips, tricks and videos on saving money and using coupons.
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These are great tips. The only thing I’d be afraid of for doing a Spending Freeze would be that the next days I’d go crazy buying all the things I didn’t buy those days. I guess that’s why also just having self control is helpful!