Great Wolf Lodge Discounts | Up to 64% OFF Nightly Bookings! As Low As $93.29/nt.

Comments (5)
  1. Bri says:

    We’ve stayed either 9 or 10 times in just a little over a year at the Minnesota, Kansas City, and Chicago location. My husband travels for work A LOT so sometimes I pack up the kids and meet him. He already has to pay for a hotel so we figure it’s better getting to be together as a family when he’s done working, plus it gives me something to do with the kids while he’s working.
    Once you stay you get emails to stay again with special codes. The only downside is you have to stay between the dates given, so it may not work for most people since the dates are somewhat close to the last time you stayed. For us it works due to my husband’s job. We never stay when it’s over $100 a night. The cheapest rate has been $79 a night plus the fees which usually ends up around $50 a night. We’re also staying during the weekdays and during the off season so it’s WAY cheaper.
    The staff at all 3 locations have all been super nice. One time at the MN one I was supposed to check out the next day with the girls (I drive separate from my husband) but there was a snow storm coming in. I talked to a manager about getting to stay just a couple hrs later to wait for the roads to clear since it’s a 4 hr drive. The manager didn’t skip a beat and gave us a free night and said he didn’t want me on the roads at all. It blew my mind!!! The housekeeping staff has also been super nice. Always saying hi in the hallways and having conversations with my girls. At the KC location we were there for my oldest daughter’s birthday so she was wearing her birthday wolf ears (every kid gets a headband and you can request birthday ones) and the staff was telling her Happy Birthday when they past her. She just turned 4 and is super shy but she was over the moon with all the attention. They’re seriously like the Chick Fil A of hotels which is one of our main reasons we continue to give them our business.
    We could save around $30-$50 a night by staying somewhere else but we wouldn’t have all the bells and whistles. To justify spending the extra money I bring a cooler with tons of food. I usually shred a Costco rotisserie chicken the day before we leave and make chicken salads for myself and bring other leftovers. Sometimes I bring my portable burner and a pot and pan and make a hamburger or chicken meal or the amazing Kraft Mac N cheese😂. It’s nice too since my husband can come back and relax and not deal with needing to go to a restaurant and both of us dealing with our 2 and 4 yr old saying they want to swim the whole time.
    All the rooms have a good size mini fridge. I can even fit a half gallon of milk on the side of the door. Girls love yogurt, cheese and fruit and since they also have microwaves I bring a bag of carrots and boil them. I also bring a few containers and plates so we can eat in the room and not have to run to the restaurant for all the side stuff. I bring paper towels and even my own hand pump soap 😂 I HATE bar soap🤷 They don’t provide conditioner so I bring that as well. I try and just use what they have and there’s always a housekeeper close by to get more shower supplies. I also bring extra plastic sacks which are perfect for dirty diapers and throwing them in the swim bag for wet suits. I take my girls swimsuits off before heading back to our room since you have to check towels and they don’t want you taking them back to your room. If they don’t get returned they’ll charge you.
    I’ve also learned with the many times we’ve stayed to request a first floor room close to an exit door. I’m always getting there before my husband so I’m the one unpacking the car and packing it back up while dealing with my kids. It’s a pretty big hotel so if you’re packing alone and you’re on another floor it can make you sweat and can be VERY frustrating 😩 Hopefully this is helpful for others 🥰

  2. jessy says:

    the fine print states a resort charge of $99. Do they add that on top of what you already paid?

    1. Passion For Savings says:

      Terms and Conditions State: Additional fees: $19.99 daily resort fee plus tax added at purchase. I believe it is added, but still a great deal from regular rates!

  3. Cortney says:

    Free breakfast?

    1. Passion For Savings says:

      The last time we went, we were able to get a free breakfast because we got a credit we could use towards that when we booked through Groupon. But, I don’t actually see that offer this time. This is still a great deal! Thanks for letting me know! I hope you enjoy your trip if you go!

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