I love how versatile the Puffer Vest is this time of year! They are perfect for cool starts to the morning! That’s why I am excited about Xersion Puffer Vests on Sale at JCPenney! Grab one for a Christmas gift today! Also, make sure you are following our page so you don’t miss out on any of the other great JCPenney deals we are finding!
Xersion Puffer Vests on Sale
JCPenney has their Xersion Puffer Vests on sale making this the best time to buy them! These are great to pair with a long sleeve tee or a flannel shirt! I love them for days when it’s not cold enough for a coat but it will still keep you warm! JCPenny has a Cyber Deal on them! They are $16.99 but use coupon code JINGLE19 and save 25%! Makes the price $12.74 after code! These vests make great Christmas gifts too!
Xersion Puffer Vests $16.99
Use Coupon Code JINGLE19 to save 25%
Pay $12.74 after code!
Boys Xersion Puffer Vest
I also LOVE the Boys version of the Xersion Puffer Vest! This would make such a great gift for any guy on your holiday shopping list! I know a couple of boys that would love these! JCPenny has them on Cyber Deal sale for $15.60 but use Coupon Code JINGLE19 and pay $11.70!
Xersion Puffer Vests $15.60
Use Coupon Code JINGLE19 to save 25%
Pay $11.70 after code!