One of the biggest things that prevent people from eating healthy is the cost of healthy food. Have you ever noticed that junk food is so much cheaper? Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean cuts of meat, and whole grains can be so much more expensive than buying frozen pizzas and French fries. Thankfully, there are ways to save money. Saving money on healthy foods is possible, just learn how to shop and watch the total price drop.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money to eat healthily. There are so many things you can do to save money. Whether you join a freezer meal club or go meatless a couple days a week, you can feed your family healthy meals without breaking the bank. Learn all my saving money on healthy foods strategies, and be amazed at the groceries you take home.
The Best Tips For Saving Money on Healthy Foods
One of the Most Common Questions I get asked is “How do I save money on Healthy Foods” I know that a lot of you use coupons or want to use coupons but you often don’t find coupons for healthy foods so you give up and just pay full price! I want to let you know there is hope :) You can save money and still eat Healthy Foods on a budget, You just have to be a little creative in ways that you save.
We have a Program that was just released called Berry Cart that allows you to save money on Organic, Gluten Free and Non-GMO Foods near you. Just Sign Up for Berry Cart Here, then Download the App and enter your zip code to find savings at stores near you!
All you have to do is Purchase the specified products, Scan the barcode of the item and take a picture of your receipt and you’ll earn cash back in your account. When you reach $5 you can cash out for PayPal, Amazon Gift Cards and more!
Using programs like Berry Cart, Checkout51 and Ibotta which are all similar rebate programs are a great way to save money on Healthy foods!
Strategies For Saving Money On Healthy Foods
1. Use Coupons on Organic & Gluten Free Items
I know a lot of people think there aren’t coupons for healthy foods, but there are a lot of great coupons out there you just have to know where to look! The #1 place you should be looking for coupons on your favorite items is on the companies website, Facebook page, and newsletters. These are the channels most companies use to reach their most loyal consumers so make sure you sign up for email newsletters and join the facebook page of your favorite brands! I have a list here of 10 Printable Organic Food Coupon Sources that you can check out.
There are also a few websites that focus on Organic and Gluten Free Items, Here are some of the best websites for printable coupons on these products:
2. Use Coupon Overages to Buy Fruits, Vegetables, and Meat
If you’re a couponer, you may already know about overages. An overage is when a coupon is worth more than the item is priced at. Not all stores allow for overages, but some do. These overages can be put towards meat, fruits, vegetables, and anything else you want to purchase.
3. Stockpile Items at their Lowest Price Point
If you aren’t familiar with the term Sales Cycles make sure you Read this Post on How to Stockpile, this is one of the most effective ways to reduce your grocery budget when you’re buying more expensive organic and fresh products. Even at stores like Whole Foods & Fresh Market, almost everything in the store goes on sale at some point. The idea behind stockpiling is that you follow the sales cycles and when Items you use go on sale you stock up and buy enough to get you through to the next sale. Think about it, if you purchased each item you buy when it’s on sale for 30% off and you buy enough to get you to the next sale you would be saving 30% on your grocery bill without using coupons!
This is also a great method for saving on meat, If you use grass-fed beef or other more expensive meats then you can stockpile these items when you find them on sale so that you aren’t paying full price. Depending on the size of your home or garage it might be worth investing in a full-size freezer to help you store and stockpile items.
4. Split a Sam’s or Costco Membership With a Friend
Warehouse stores like Sam’s and Costco can be a great way to save money on healthy foods. However, the membership can be a bit expensive. If you want to enjoy the benefits of a membership, share the costs with a friend. Sam’s, for example, has memberships that allow you to add someone to the membership. You can also split the foods you purchase so that you get a great deal, but nothing goes to waste.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money to eat healthily. There are so many things you can do to save money. Whether you join a freezer meal club or go meatless a couple days a week, you can feed your family healthy meals without breaking the bank.
5. Buy in Bulk or from Warehouse Stores
A lot of local Co-Ops have a way for you to order in bulk, you can also find great deals on healthy items at Warehouse stores. If you have a smaller family and you don’t need the full amount required to get quantity discounts then consider creating a small group of friends that buy together and then split bulk items. That way you’re getting the advantages of bulk pricing without having to consume large quantities on your own. It’s also easier on your weekly and monthly budgets do not have to purchase such large quantities that you don’t plan on using.
6. Put your Freezer to Use!
You can save a lot of money by purchasing items when they are on sale and freezing them for later. I try to purchase more than I need of items like Strawberries, Blueberries, Pineapple, Mango and other things I know that we love in smoothies, fruits, pies, etc. I typically use what we can fresh then freeze the rest before it goes bad! I also recommend purchasing a Food Saver when you can afford one, this will help you be able to save foods like Meat longer in your freezer without worrying about freezer burn.
I also freeze items like Avocado by making it into Guacamole or Pureeing it before freezing, Green Peppers & Onions and other Vegetables you use in cooking also save really well in the freezer! This is a great way to have Fruits & Veggies all year long.
TIP: You can also check out our Freezer Cooking Meals, these are a great way to stay in budget while having dinner at home and avoid eating out!
7. Join a Freezer Meal Club
Freezer meal club members get together once a month to exchange, and sometimes make, foods. The way it works is one person makes a huge batch of one dish and then exchanges it with the others to get other meals for their family. Making meals in bulk saves money, but, with this method, you won’t have to eat the same thing over and over.
8. Shop Multiple Stores
This is something you don’t hear as much about anymore, but one of the tried and true methods of extreme couponers is shopping multiple stores. This allows you to pick up the sale items from each store without paying the higher prices for the rest of your items. A lot of mainstream stores like Walmart, Target and even Aldi’s have a few organic and gluten-free options available these days. Take the time to figure out which items you can purchase for less at these national chains and by shopping multiple stores you may be able to save more than just buying everything at the health food store. Keep in mind, this does take a little more time, but it can be worth the savings. Also, it’s important to use this method with the stockpiling method, you could probably hit each store once a month and buy what you need so you’re not shopping at 6 stores every single week. has a great selection of Gluten Free Items available to purchase online. Shopping online is another great way to save on top brands of organic and gluten-free products.
9. Utilize Price Matching on Fruits & Vegetables
One of the best ways to save money on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables is by shopping multiple stores to grab the best items on sale each week and stocking up when you find a sale. You can also use Price Matching to grab sales from multiple stores in one place. Walmart no longer price matches, but most Grocery Stores and Target still price match a lot of items. This is a really simple way that I save on Fruit and Vegetables every week! My kids go through a lot of Fresh Produce so it’s an area I really focus on that helps reduce our overall grocery budget. Also, I find my kids eat a lot more fresh produce when it’s on hand, they tend to opt for Apples and Bananas before Fruit Snacks when I have it so staying stocked is important!
10. Use Rain Checks
Did you know that most Grocery Stores will give you a Rain Check for Produce if they are out? I always make sure that I buy enough of an item to last as long as I think it will stay fresh, but if a store is out of a good sale item you can most of the time get a Rain Check then go back and grab that Item on another day after they have a chance to restock.
You can also shop the first day of the sale and buy what you need and check back the last day of the sale to see if they are sold out, If they are sold out ask for a rain-check, this is one of the best ways to extend the sale cycle and help you save on items when they aren’t on sale at the store.
11. Make Your Own Snacks
One of the things I hear when I am talking with friends is that they don’t know how to get the “Healthy Snacks” for cheap. When I ask questions I find a lot of people buying these “Organic Cookies” or “All Natural Fruit Pouches” that are super expensive and may or may not be any healthier than homemade snacks and treats. I really encourage you to make your own quick snacks using reusable bags or ziploc bags. You can avoid buying pre-packaged snacks by using small bags or containers to package larger size bags or items like fruit into individual portions. That way you aren’t reaching for “Organic Fruit Snacks” But you have Frozen Grapes in the freezer. This is one of the ways we get caught spending a lot more on Healthy Food Items because we end up paying a lot for convenience.
12. Cook From Scratch
It can actually be less expensive to cook your meals from scratch. There are so many DIY Tips and Tricks on Pinterest that you can use to make your own soups, mixes, seasonings and more! All without the added chemicals. Take some time to make a list of items you buy frequently then do a little research and see if you can make those same items at home. A lot of times it’s actually less expensive to cook at home and from scratch!
If you have a Gluten Free Diet then this is another great way to save money, there are some great Gluten Free Recipes out there that will be cheaper to make even with gluten-free flours because the store bought mixes can be very expensive! It takes a little time to do your research and find the recipes your family loves but in the long run this can save you a lot of money!
13. Shop on
Did you know that Amazon has a program called Subscribe and Save that allows you to order products from your house without ever going to the store? This program can save you up to 20% off the Amazon Items Price when you buy 5 items in the same month. I’ve got all the details on how to subscribe and save works here! Make sure you check out that post for all the info on how to get the 20% Discount.
Amazon carries a lot of great deals on Organic & Gluten Free Products. It’s also a great place to order Organic snacks for kids! Check out the Subscribe and Save Page Here to see all the items included in the program.
14. Shop Local Farmer’s Markets
Shop local markets so you can buy fresh produce that is in season, which is always less than produce that is not. You will find all sorts of great deals at your local farmer’s market as well as farmers who can help you make the most of the produce you buy. Ask about what produce items are in season and build your healthy menus around these offerings.
15. Practice Working Out at Home.
There is no need to pay for a pricey gym membership. Instead, get into the habit of working out at home. This can include walking or running with a friend, doing yoga, or even doing free weights in your basement. Sure you won’t have all the bells and whistles, but you will have extra money in your pocket each month.
16. Use Free Internet Resources
The internet is full of healthy living blogs that are free for the reading. Find some healthy living bloggers and give them a follow. Find free healthy recipes, exercises, nutrition tips, and so much more. The internet is full of valuable resources, so be sure to search out these sites and save them.
17. Head to YouTube for Workout Tutorials
YouTube has hundreds of thousands of work out videos free for you to view. Look for yoga, Zumba, aerobics, and more. Find a few videos that appeal to you and practice doing them a few times a week. There is no need to pay for pricey fitness classes when you can stream these videos into your home for free.
18. Drink Your Water.
Water is one of the healthiest things you can put into your body and it costs pennies per serving. Switch out soda and juice for water and you will save calories and save money. If you need a little flavor in your water, just add a slice of lemon or lime.
I hope you got a lot from this list of strategies on how you can really maximize your savings when it comes to healthy foods.What’s Your Best Money Saving Tip for Healthy Foods?